Chapter 38

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There was a silence once the commotion with Erika was done leaving all of them to look at each other not knowing what to do.

As if someone switched the light on and getting all of his senses back Adrian spoke first finally being able to feel the bond between him and Scar intact.

"Enzo, get Erika into the car and hurry to the ground. Dave, Josh and Michael take these three to the car waiting outside and ask Matt to do a check up on them, hurry" he points to Smith, Mars and Bells who are lying on the ground unconscious

"Cherry, Ryan and Warren check on those mandrakes one more time, see if anything happened to them. Rom, you help Dante, make sure he is alright and those of you who are remaining, check all of the areas around to see if you can find anything useful or anyone before reporting back to me and also I want ten of you to be on guard on this place till you get a call from me" he once again orders as the men all nod and goes to do accordingly

"What about Aria?" Rom asks pointing at the woman unconscious as well

"I think this ones belongs to me" Mrs. Hans speaks as she walks near Aria before carrying her with the help of the guards out there

"Alpha, the mandrakes aren't where we last saw them" Warren informs making Ad frown

"It seems they were never there in the first place" Ryan states confused as well

"May be they disappeared the moment the dragon did" Cherry points trying to make some sense

"We will worry about that later right now I want everyone to report back on the pack grounds" Ad finalizes before he asks Warren to help carry Oliver's body

"No" Scar cries as she holds Oliver's body tightly to her

"Babe, we need to mover out of here. We are going back to the pack house and also taking him, I think it would be better if he got a proper funeral" he states as he tries to pries her away from liver's body.


"Ssh...let me take care of it for you okay? It's been too long, you have stayed out of our home and it's time to go back, things aren't as they were when you were gone and I need you to be with me so we can start once again" Ad whispers to her as he helps her to get up from the ground

"I'm so sorry" Scar sobs as she buries her face in his chest remembering that she had left her home in chaos

"Let's go" Adrian whispers once again as he carries her in his arms.


Reaching the camp site on Adrian's pack Smith, Bells and Mars are taken to the medics. Even if they have got rid of Aria for the time being they can't celebrate yet not when Scar is mourning for both her father.

Sending Warren to prepare for the proper funeral of Oliver, Adrian checks on his pack members, then makes his way to his wife.

He finds her silently standing at the door watching the movement going on where the medics are trying to know why those three collapsed at once.

"Scar" Adrian calls as he put his arms around her for support

"They won't be able to wake up"


"Not until someone awakens daddy's power, each and every one of them will be frozen till then" she explains silently

"So, does that mean those mandrakes aren't around for any harm?"

"They were never made for any harm, they were just misunderstood. They stand to protect me and daddy, Adrian they always have been" she states turning to him

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