Chapter 35

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Humming to herself a long forgotten tune Scar works on the plants which were once beautifully bloomed but years of not having any care to them it has turned into nothing but dried leaves.

Thinking back at the conversation and truth she found from her father Scar is in conflict within her, what she will do from here on now!

She can't just leave all of them here and move on nor can she take them with her, only her father knows how many of those mandrakes had he made in years or if he had even stooped making them.

Adrian will definitely loose a fuse if she even tries to suggest the possibility of keeping them in the pack, she can only imagine the trouble they will have to suffer regarding this whole situation.

And now there is another situation named her Papa Robert who has been nothing but all lies, every step of her life all he did was lie to her. Even if she doesn't want to blame him or anyone for anything her heart pains thinking what he had done to her and her father.

No matter what her Papa did she is sure about one thing that he truly loved and care for her, she can't just think bad about him without giving him a chance to explain his actions to hers, until then all she can do is have a little faith and hope alive within her after all this isn't the end.

"Your brain will explode if you keep thinking too much" Cherry's voice startles her

"Cherry, do not ever do that again" Scar blushes holding her chest after she yelps

"Sorry, you were just thinking way too much and I couldn't help but interfere. Been watching you for a while so" he grins rubbing the back of his neck before helping her to get up from the ground.

"Is there any reason for you to keep on watching me?" Scar asks as she dusts off her dress

"Except the reason, which hasn't gained consciousness back? Nope! Any idea why she was affected even when the humans cannot be harmed?" Cherry worries

"She is pregnant" Scar explains as she moves on to next part of the yard

"Okay, well...guess we need to run out of here sooner than later" Cherry mumbles to himself before looking at Scar

"Um...we need to talk with Bells, Mars as well Smith about last night. Those three are doing something bad and someone needs to talk with them about it" Cherry voices stopping Scar for a while before she starts pulling the plants out

"It' not my place to say anything Cherry, we don't know how they lived their lives after everything happened and I can't just go and demand for them to explain themselves to me just because I'm back...

It's neither my place nor right, if they feel they need to hide that part of them from me than it's their choice I don't have a say"

"That's it? So, you are going to sit and watch as they push themselves into trouble?" Cherry looks at her incredulously

"You think I will be able to stop them from doing whatever they were doing?"


"It's not that simple, okay if I said they are forbidden to do anything then what? You think I can take responsibility of them....?"

"You are abandoning us again?" Mars gasps from the backyard door hearing them

"Mars stop before you over react because we don't have any time for this!" Cherry shouts stopping the guy just when he tries to run inside

"Then explain" Mars grumbles not liking being ordered around

"Mars will you ask everyone to gather in the living room, please" Scar sighs as both the boys looks her way to say something

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