Chapter 20

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Note:- Sarah will be called Ana from now on, so don't be confused :)

"Rom" Aria shouts as she barges in on his house

Ana gets startle as she hears the voice and comes out of the kitchen to see who the woman is.

"Excuse me?" Ana asks as she sees Aria in a foul mood

"Where is Rom?" she asks

"He is out in the training grounds" she answers

"Who are you then?" Aria asks as she sniffs the air


"The fuck is happening in this pack? Why everywhere I turn there is a human?" she explodes at Ana

"Excuse me?" Ana looks at her appalled

"What is wrong with every one of you, you all are sick. You humans are pathetic think it's so fancy to be around someone who is strong and powerful...

Power hunger whores always making yourself look innocent but you are nothing but sluts opening legs for everyone, so was it fun being with a vampire, had your fun?" Aria slashes Ana with her tongue

"Shut the fuck up you bitch, how dare you stand in my home and accuse me of things you know nothing about? And who the fuck do you think you are talking to?

Get out of my house before I do some serious damage and show you the real slut in me" Ana backfires

Aria breathes hard before she backhands Ana. Ana looks at the woman in disbelief before she gets up from the ground and hits her back hard with a pan she didn't knew she was holding.

"Bitch" Aria spats as she holds her head

"Mommy" Henry screams as he runs to her side scared

Gio runs to her side as well when he hears Henry's scream. He looks between both woman and glares at Aria.

"Get out" he grits at Aria in anger

"You are going to pay for this" Aria shouts at heas rage fills her in

"Send the bill bitch, I'll pay in cash" Ana spats equally pissed off as she pulls both the boys close to her

As soon as Aria storms off from the house Ana takes a deep breathe. Gio takes the pan away from her hand.

"Did you hit her with this?" he asks amused as he takes her to the sofa so she can rest a bit

"I was making pancakes" she says defensively

"Daddy won't like it when he comes back" Henry shakes his head as he touches her cheeks

"Ouch" Ana hisses as pain shoots her

"Dad is here" Gio states as he goes to bring the first aid kit

"What is it?" Rom asks as he looks around the house before his eyes lands on Ana

"Shit, what the fuck happened"

"Daddy" Henry runs to him

"Ana she strike her first and fuck man your woman hit her back with a fucking pan it was damn sexy and hilarious...

If I didn't had a mate I would have banged her hard" Dante grins as he walks down the stairs

"What the fuck are you doing in here? You were here all fucking time" Rom glares at him

"Relax papa bear if I didn't know your woman couldn't handle her I would have interfered but I would never miss a chance on a cat fight" Dante grins

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