Chapter 33

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"How long will it take till we know the exact location?" Enzo asks impatiently as Andrew keeps typing and trying to trace Erika's phone.

"Never, if you won't stop breathing on my neck as if you are my freaking mate" Andrew grumbles typing away fast on the keyboard.

"It's already been more than an hour you have been trying to trace her" Enzo flicks him on the back of his head in annoyance

"Abusive much" Andrew grumbles as he tries to focus on the trace

"Any luck?" Rom asks as he opens the door for his kids to get in

"No, Andrew here didn't trace her call but her phone which has no signal for some reason" Enzo whines making Rom raise his brow his way

"What's with the mood all of a sudden?"

"Fuck off!" Enzo barks at Rom startling everyone in the room

"Okay, moody I sense. Anyway, I have news for you, one of the kids had been following whoever took Scar...

Good thing she isn't back yet and bad thing she hasn't contacted us so any idea how we can track her may be it will be easier for us if we find that kid" Rom suggests them

"I don't know how to track her, it's not like she answers to me?" Enzo shrugs uninterested

"Hmm, then may be we should ask someone who does" Rom grins forming an idea

"Huh?" Enzo looks at him confused

"You my friend are a genius!" Rom smiles

"I'm? Really" Enzo smiles widely

"I will call Ad" with that said Rom goes to leave the room

"Hey wait up, why are they following you anyway?" Enzo asks pointing at the kids

"Oh they are scared shitless after what happened so they want to be with me 24/7, not that I mind" he smiles before shutting the door

"Andrew, hurry the fuck up man!" Enzo shouts in anger making Andrew curse him hard

"What the fuck is your problem, he is trying can't you see! Jeez, seems like you are having one of those moments" Heath finally interferes seeing Enzo on the edge for the last few hours

"What moment!" Enzo barks irritated

"The moment where a girl vomits hard, from her lower region, and it's all bloody!" Heath barks back not taking his non sense anymore

"Fuck you all!" Enzo throws his hands up in the air before leaving the room

"What the fuck has gotten into him, I have never seen him so out of control!" Andrew complains shaking his head.


Rom happily enters Ad's office before letting both his kids to take a seat; he looks at Ad's way as he starts.

"Can you use your Alpha bond to one of the kids? Ellen was following those who took Scar and she hasn't been able to get in contact so can you try and check if she responds to you?"

"Tony has been missing as well, that kid is seeking for a punishment!"

"May be he is with them as well" Rom suggests not happy with this information, he can only imagine how Emma will react when she finds out that Tony isn't around.

"Did Enzo have anything?" Ad asks thinking back at the time where Erika was able to call Enzo

"Nope, but Enzo is very moody and I mean very, very moody" Rom shrugs warning Ad

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