The Good Girl

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A request by friskriel.

The Good Girl

Synopsis: Bad boy Tyler thinks he has shy Leah all figured out until a trip to the mall one day.

"Please tell me we're hitting up Justine and them's sorority party tonight. I'm tryna get my dick wet," Brandon, my best friend said as he and our other roommate Chaz approached me in the parking lot of the Eastlake Mall that Friday afternoon at the end of October.

None of us had classes on Friday, so we hit up the mall. It was a pretty nice day, and I opted to ride my motorcycle inside of rolling with Chaz and Brandon.

"Took your asses long enough, and yes, B, for the millionth time, we're going," I said rolling my eyes as the three of us walked towards the massive building.

"What's up your ass man? Ever since you and Prisc--" he began but paused the moment I stopped walking. He looked back and recognized the glare on my face before carefully choosing his next words.

"You've been off since the night of Kappa Sigma's party," he said after a long sigh.

I scoffed and pushed passed him, entering the mall, heading for the food court.

After getting a frozen lemonade, I was in a better mood so I decided to let Brandon's comment slide. Just as long as he didn't bring up or even say the name of my lying, cheating, slut of an ex's name again.


I gave that girl everything.

Literally... fucking everything.

For two years the girl had me wrapped around her finger and for the last two months, she had been wrapped around another dude's dick.

I had a scheduled fight one night that for some reason got canceled, so I headed over to a party one of the frats on campus was throwing.

The second I stepped into the kitchen of the frat house, I saw Priscilla with her tongue shoved down some dude's throat.

The rest of the night's kinda foggy, but I do have little memories of screaming at Priscilla, beating the shit out of whatever dude that was, and being dragged out of the frat house by Brandon.

Since that night two months ago, I'd sworn off of girls, deciding that my Junior year in college would be a productive one and I'd focus on making money and passing my classes.

I didn't need another bitch distracting me.

We had just left a clothing store and were on our way to another when a familiar cocoa-skinned girl walked out of a store just ahead of us.

"Hey, isn't that that Leah chick from our Anthropology class?" Chaz asked as his head tilted to the side and his eyes began burning a hole in her ass.

I looked up at the adult store the girl had just come out of and smirked to myself.

"No way," I said out loud, knowing from around campus that Leah, the second-year dance major, was a shy virgin who wouldn't be caught dead in a sex shop even if you paid her.

She just wasn't that girl.

She turned to the other side of shops and as she crossed over, the profile I'd spent the past two months staring at was in view.

It was her.

"Ha! Told you," Chaz commented as we all stopped watching her petite figure standing outside a dress boutique, staring at a black dress.

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