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uh hey lol
if anyone still reads this
life's been crazy. so in honor of this book's title, i'm gonna give a quick summary

please forgive me if this is too long and rant-y. feel free to skip. writing it out is kind of a way to vent if that makes sense. sorry in advance

starting in the fall!

a lot of boring beginning of school BS. not too much to speak of

homecoming!! and our fall show went into rehearsals and i had a featured vocalist role :)

our show goes into tech mid-november. we have a week of tech, and on the second day of tech week (a tuesday) i had a field trip to the aquarium for my photography class. 10/10 would recommend, one of the best field trips i've ever taken and i got grouped with awesome people and got to be pretty good friends with them
i go to tech rehearsal after school and we go till 9.

the VERY next day. i wake up, feeling like i got hit by a bus. i specifically remember thinking "oh hell, tech week hit different this time"
but oh no, it just got worse. my stomach had started to hurt, and it was only on the lower left side, and it hurt to move or even breathe.


hands up, i admit. i tried to brush it off and say it was nothing and tried to go to school.
oh man, i really tried it.
but i went to the nurse, at the demand of my mother, and of course she (the nurse) said i was fine (spoiler alert, she was wrong), but sent me to my first period class to give my teacher a heads up that i was leaving.
my chem teacher. i love her. she's a blessing to every chem student who has her. she immediately sent me back and told me to feel better and not stress
i go home and it just gets worse and worse throughout the day, to the point where i end up in the ER with a possible case of appendicitis and impending surgery.
long story short after a lot of tests and a dickweed of a radiologist, i get news that i have a bad kidney infection. i got antibiotics, anti nausea meds, the whole works.
fun times

but yeah. the show happens, i couldn't do tech or opening night, but i performed the rest of em and it was so fun!!!

my favorite month went by in a blur too fast for my liking. i love the holidays but this year it just wasn't as fun. now knowing why it makes total sense, but that's another story lol.

(possible trigger warning for violence/shooting threats if that bothers you)

shit hits the fan at my school.
let's just say where i go to school is just not the best place to be.
the week and a half leading up to break, we had over 30 fights. this has been confirmed by administration. our school went into lockdown one day because it got so out of control.
the day before break, however, was when shit really went down
we had gotten shooting threats before, disappointingly as most high schools do. but this time was a lil different. because the fights at our school weren't just caused by kids getting a lil' too rowdy before break.
we find out the day before break, that they're gang related, and that two rival gangs near our school are BOTH threatening to shoot up our school that day. nothing ended up happening, spoiler alert, but everybody was ridiculously tense all day 
my friend and i are both kind of spooked on the bus after seeing the threats and messages from parents and teachers.
we get off the bus and go into the school, and about a third of the kids are absent. it felt sort of like a ghost town. it was so weird. there are extra SRO's (student response/resourse officers) in the hallways, and there's a member of the county school board in every corner of the hallway, and the county's superintendent (who usually hs WAY bigger things to worry about) is in my english class.
in summary:

we get through the day and everybody's safe and nothing came of the threats, but there were another 4 fights that day. my school is just wack.

we auditioned for the spring musical. The Wedding Singer! my two best friends got the leads. i'm a featured dancer and do a ton of cool shit in all the numbers for ensemble. but before we could even start rehearsing...
stuff happened that i am NOT sharing here. it changed me a lot, i cut off half my hair, completely went through and kon-mari'd my room (AKA if it doesn't spark joy, chuck it).
and it was very therapeutic, surprisingly enough. i'd recommend it if you need to feel control in your situation. especially now

my bestie and i exchanged "single on valentine's day" care packages, and it was awesome
my family and friends all banded together and threw me a surprise birthday party. it was the most fun i've ever had and it was much needed after said events in january. it brought my closest friends and i even closer, and i love them all with all of my heart (Horses1104 was there)

i hate march of this year. it was an emotionally draining month. our show got cancelled, and we did get to have one last rehearsal together. some tears were shed, but we mostly laughed. we'd all cried enough that week, and we decided we would all keep it together for each other's sakes.
then suddenly...

yeah not much. i'm gonna fail online algebra and that's just gonna have to be okay

that's my life recap! sorry if it's long and boring, but writing it out helps.
thanks if you read it though! and if you're still here i hope you're making it through everything okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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