I'm not gonna do a keymash for this title smh

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My school is doing a musical in the spring and it's called Disaster
You guys should look it up it's really funny

But yeah. That's our show for the spring. It's got a soundtrack of all 70's music and it's a comedy that is kinda making fun of all the disaster movies from the 70's and such. It's about a group of people that are on the Barracuda. The world's first floating casino and discotheque in New York City and then a huge earthquake happens and chaos ensues.
Moving on from that...

there was this role I wanted. I saw it on the list and I immediately wanted it. Her name is Jackie and she's a performer on the Barracuda and yeah I really liked her songs and I can sing her part vocally, so I decided to go for it. I ended up getting called back for the role of Jackie, and for the roles of Ben and Lisa, who are her kids. Since they're twins, they're supposed to be played by the same actor (actress in my case. They're supposed to be played by a boy but oh well, guess I'll die)
So I go to the callbacks and read lines for both roles. I'm feeling not-too-great about both of them, but slightly better about Ben and Lisa.
So, come Tuesday, the cast list gets posted. I'm not expecting to see my name by anything but ensemble. I'm a freshman, AND this is the first show I've ever done at my school, so the director doesn't know me or what I can do.

So I look by my name
And lo and behold...



(SKIP DOWN TO THE BOTTOM IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH "Abby being overexcited for 5 minutes straight: featuring an appearance of the contents of the Cappies Critic Handbook)

I get a ton of r e a l l y funny lines and I get to sing a song by myself, which is huge for a freshman because they don't usually cast 9th graders for bigger roles (which I guess mine is when you take into account what defines the parts and such. Wow I'm being annoying now, I'll shut up)
at least from what I know of about my theater company.

Also a quick sidenote: I called Horses1104 and she and I literally spent 20 minutes on the phone screaming and I almost cried 1 (one) time. But yeah my week has been amazing in so many ways and I am beyond excited to be playing Ben and Lisa in OMHS' production of Disaster the Musical!


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