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I woke up to the sound of a steady beeping sound and a huge migraine pulsing through my head. I moan at the uncomfortable feeling. That catches whoever was in the room attention and they're at my side in an instant.

"Mantii, baby, how you feeling." I heard pump's voice

"My head hurts..." I groan again as another wave fills my head

"I'm sorry, I put you here." He said with some tears falling down his cheeks

Then I remember everything that happened before I blacked out. I look around seeing now I'm in a hospital.

"You fainted. I caused you stress." He sniffs

His face is not red and puffy from drugs this time but from sadness and I can't help but to grab his hand and squeeze it for reassurance.

"I'm fine. I haven't been eating or sleeping well." I smile a little at him

"I was tripping bad on you and you didn't deserve it."

"You don't trust 6nine and I hung out with him behind your back.  so in a way you wasn't tripping. But I did text you I was going with a friend."

"Yea I didn't see it til we got here."

"How Long I've been here?"

"Almost 2 days..." he mumbles

"What?" My eyes widen

"I called Omeretta for you and your mom."


"Yea O is coming after school and your mom is on the way now."

"Ok good."

" you think your pregnant?" He whispers, almost so quietly I thought I imagined he said it.

"What." I furrow my brows

Then I burst into a fit of laughter, for some reason I just do that when I'm nervous.  I look over at my boyfriend to see that he had a serious expression across his features.

"I'm serious." He grunts

"I've been thinking bout it since after the nurse came in and did tests on you." He rubs a hand through his hair "they haven't been back in here yet."

I was quiet, when all the unprotected sex came to my head. That good nasty sex, that sex that had me blushing in class just for thinking about it. Not before a small feeling of anxiety started in the pit of my stomach just for thinking that I could be pregnant. I'm not on any birth control.

"Gazzy..." I gasp

This literally felt like some high school movie I never wanted to be in. Next thing you know some serial killer is going to start calling me and asking what my favorite scary movie is.

"If you are just know you're not alone. I still love you just as much. And I probably do some childish shit still but there's always room to grow." He kisses my hand before kissing my forehead

Those words sounded so sincere and I could tell it's from him thinking about me being pregnant. The maturity i always knew he had emerging gave me the security that everything would be fine if I was.

"I love you." He says looking into my eyes as they tear up again

"I love you too." I smile

There's a small knock at the door that drew our attention away from each other and I watch my mom come in.

"Mantii baby." She says as pump walks away from the bed to make room for my mom to be at my side

"How are you feeling?" She says rubbing hair out my face before kissing my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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