Ch 35: Forgiveness \ The Story of Aleut, Aima, and Aisa

Start from the beginning

Russia blinked in surprise and cast a curious look at the state to his right, "The Russia you knew?"

The state nodded, "I'm Alaska. I, uh..." He scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Do you know someone named Russian Empire?"

Russia pursed his lips, "I know of him, but I never knew him personally. He died before I was ever born," Russia paused before adding, "He's my grandfather."

Alaska exhaled softly, turning back to the horizon as the sad smile returned to his face, "I guessed so..."

"Did you know him?" Russia asked, turning back to the horizon. To say he was curious was an understatement. The most he knew about his grandfather was from books and journals- all his father would ever say about Russia's grandfather was that he was a 'stubborn and selfish prick' with the occasional curse word thrown in there somewhere.

Alaska grimaced, "Yes, I knew him. Maybe I knew him too well, but I guess I'll never know now. For the longest time, I saw him as my father, even though he wasn't biologically so."

Russia looked at Alaska, reasoning and hoping that Alaska's story will distract Russia from his overwhelming emotions, "Do you want to tell me about him?"

Alaska nodded slowly, looking down to the ground, "Yes... I really, really do." Russia gestured for Alaska to continue, and he did, "When the colonial countryhumans of long ago came to the new world, they did one of three things upon colonizing: they had a child with the native country human as a symbol of peace, only to kill the local countryhuman shortly after; they sent one of their own children to conquer the continent without having to mix with the natives to produce an heir that will rule over the region; or they took a local countryhuman child and either forced, taught, or coerced that child to rule over the region for them, taking advantage of both a child and an entire native population in one fell swoop. Of those three, I was the third option," Feeling something on his cheek, Alaska foreignly wiped away his own tears.

Russia looked at him sympathetically, "You don't have to tell me this if you don't want-"

Alaska interrupted him, "No, please, I've wanted to tell this story to the Russian Empire or one of his descendants for so long. I want to tell you this," Russia frowned and nodded hesitantly, letting Alaska continue with his story.

Alaska shakily nodded back, reeling his emotions in, "I was a child when Russians first appeared on my mother's islands. My mother's name was Aleut, and she represented the Aleuts as a whole, rather than the individual tribes. I also had a younger sister. Like me, she had no name of her own as we were blank then- countryhumans who don't represent a people or a landmass. So, my sister and I gave each other similar names that we would call each other. I called her Aima, and she eventually started calling me Aisa back. We had no real father, as both of us were made from our mother's energy alone. In a way, the local Aleut men tried to step in as our father figure, but, selfishly enough, I didn't want a human father. I wanted a father who was like me- I wanted a countryhuman father.

"Before the Russians ever came to our island, things were peaceful. Perfect, in a way. Every day was spent with endless joy, fun, and games. But then, one day, giant boats appeared on the horizon. The boats were larger than any boats we had ever seen before, and these strange men from the giant boats landed on our island. When we could finally understand them, we discovered that they were searching for furs. When they found out about the local seal and otter populations you could find near my homeland, they asked where to find them. We told them where they were, trying to help, and they left for the animals shortly after. Not before long, more and more Russians showed up and I quickly picked up their language, all too happy to help them while the rest of the Aleuts were starting to become wary of them. Noticing that I was a blank, they murmured a phrase I didn't understand at the time- Russian Empire- and left. It wasn't until many months later that an insanely tall man with fancy clothes showed up on our island: the Russian Empire himself. Back then, he had the same flag as you, Russia. Anyway, not knowing about my mother or my sister since neither had shown themselves in front of the Russians like I had, the Russian Empire offered to adopt me and 'teach me his ways.' Excited by the strange colors on his face just like my family and excited by the fact I could have a countryhuman father, I quickly said yes. He smiled at my response. A smile I had been so happy to see back then. He stayed on the island for a few days teaching me exactly what he wanted me to do. I was all too happy to oblige, feeling like all those father-son moments I had missed out on in my early childhood had been fulfilled. After about a week and a half, he had to leave, despite me not wanting him to. He smiled, praised me for doing so well throughout the past week with what he had told me to do, and told me that if I did everything that was asked of me, he'd return one day and we could be together again."

The Things I'd Rather Forget // Countryhumans AUWhere stories live. Discover now