Chapter 7

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I returned to school the next day and resumed writing, studying, and reading. Luckily, I had kept up with my schoolwork all semester. A couple classes even had optional finals, where you only had to take the test if you wanted to try to improve your grade. Since I already had a safe A, I skipped them and concentrated on the remaining courses.

I huffed up the final steps to the ninth floor. In part of my preparation, I had switched to my hiking backpack and carried my laptop and as many books as I could manage. Today I had added a fourth textbook and strained under the weight. I opened the door and entered the hallway, where I was immediately confronted by Sarah.

"What are you doing? You know there's an elevator, right?"

"Yeah, but there's no elevator on the Appalachian Trail. I have to get used to this. Training," I answered, huffing out of breath.

"You're here to take your calc final?"


"This is it, right? Then you're done?"

"Yes." I was relieved. I would take the calculus final in Professor Carrey's office and then I was finished with my schoolwork for the semester.

"So you're coming out tonight, right? Phi Kap is having an 80's party."

"I still have to study for the trail."

She looked at me dubiously. All right, even I could admit I sounded pretty lame.

"I don't have anything to wear."

"I'll meet you after my class, say about four o'clock, and I'll take you to the thrift store. I need to look for a couple more things anyway."

"Okay," I relented.

"Good luck," she wished me as I headed down the hall.

"Thanks," I replied, turning and waiving goodbye.

I completed my final and was confident I had done well. I felt a wave of relief and agreed it was indeed high time I relaxed and let loose.

Sarah drove us to the thrift store, where I found an off-the-shoulder sweater in neon polyester. I already had black leggings, and Sarah offered to loan me a pair of leg warmers she had worn to a previous party. As a bonus, I also found a trail shirt made of the synthetic moisture-wicking fabric blend recommended by all the expert backpacking websites.

We returned to campus, threw the new clothes in the wash, and had dinner in the dining hall with friends. Then it was back to the room, where Sarah insisted on doing my makeup while our new fashions dried. We walked to the fraternity house together and Sarah immediately procured us two beers.

The next few hours flew by quickly, in addition to more than a few beers. I played many rounds of flip cup, a game involving lining up at a table in two teams, racing to finish your beer and then flipping your cup upside down on the edge of the table. The problem was that each round involved filing the red plastic cup to the line roughly an inch from the bottom. How many rounds equaled a full beer? I didn't know, and I didn't bother to keep track.

I felt a hand around my waist and looked over to see Brad. He led me by the hand to the next room. We talked for a few minutes, but before long his lips were on mine and his tongue was pushing its way into my mouth. I felt nothing, the same as I had before. Just skin touching skin. I didn't see what the big deal was supposed to be.

I pushed him off and burped. It didn't taste good. I realized I was drunk and it was probably time to go.

"Sorry Brad, I have to go find Sarah." I spun around a bit too quickly and then plunged into the crowded living room. The speakers blasted Michael Jackson and people everywhere were dancing and grinding in a drunken wave. She wasn't here, and she wasn't in the bathroom, so I headed down the hall to the bedrooms. At a weekend event like this the entire house was a party.

As I walked past an open door I heard her call out to me. I entered and she made room for me next to her on the couch.

"Never have I ever been arrested," a girl sitting on the other side of the coffee table announced. Everyone watched each other and slowly two people raised their glasses and took a drink. Stories were shared about when and why, as I settled back into the couch. I knew the game and that I likely wouldn't be drinking much.

The game continued around the circle. I watched quietly, as I had never smoked pot, shoplifted, cheated on a test, or had butt sex. The things people were willing to admit to were astounding.

It was Sarah's turn. "Never have I ever kissed a girl," she proclaimed. I didn't drink. She turned towards me, smiling devilishly, and planted her lips firmly on mine, pushing me back into the couch cushions. The guys in the room hooted and hallowed in encouragement. She didn't try to force her tongue in at least. She pulled back, laughing, and I swatted her arm.

"Drink!" She exclaimed.

I laughed and picked up my beer, polishing it off in two gulps. "Come on lover, it's time to take you home," I joked. I had a feeling it was the only way I was going to get her out of here.

"We'll come with you!" A pair of guys offered, grinning.

"No thanks guys, she's all mine," I replied, pulling her up off the couch. I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her from the room, listening to boos and jeers from the guys. 

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