Chapter 6

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I looked out the front bay window to see an old pickup truck pulling up the driveway. Jay got out and grabbed his pack out of the bed. He looked up at the house, surveying it as he approached the front door. It was a two-story colonial, built in the 80's, a common if slightly larger home for the township. I ran to the door to open it before he could ring the bell.

"Hey," I said, looking over him again. He was somehow bigger than I remembered, if that was possible.

"Hey you," he replied, entering the house and swinging his pack down with ease.

"Look, before I introduce you to my Mom, I want to warn you of a few things. She can be a bit--"

"--Relax, I can handle it. You know how many mothers of young daughters I've impressed in my time?" he asked, walking past me, winking as went by. He was practically swaggering.

"Mmm, something smells good in here," he announced, entering the kitchen.

"Oh hello," said Mom, as she turned from the counter to face him.

"Em let me in. I had to find out what was going on back here; you must be Mrs. Norris."

How had he known that? I wondered. The mailbox, I realized. He was prepared.

"Yes, and you must be Jay. Emily's told me all about you."


I was standing behind my Mom now, miming a knife against my throat. I hoped he got the signal that I had not told Mom all.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," he said, as he gently took her hand in his, leaned in, and kissed her cheek.

I struggled to keep my jaw shut.

"I wanted to come and meet you, and tell you yourself, I promise to take good care of Em. You have nothing to worry about."

"Oh, I do appreciate you coming to meet us. That makes me feel so much better. And look at you, you certainly are a strong looking young man, I'm sure Emily will be quite safe," she said, gently touching his bicep. Mother was a toucher.

"Absolutely. Here, let me help you out," he said, grabbing a sponge and beginning to wash the mixing bowl in the sink.

"Oh, you don't have to do that." I watched Mom survey him, hoping she reached the same conclusion I had, that he was ok.

"I don't mind." He looked over his shoulder back to me and smirked. He turned back to Mom. "I can't believe Em wanted to do this trip alone."

"I know! Her father and I were set against it, as you can imagine. Hiking twenty-two hundred miles alone! As a nineteen year old girl!"

"Well, I'm sure it's unwise for anyone, even me. Always good to have a second person to be able to go get help and whatnot. I think we'll do well together."

I grabbed the bowl from Jay with the dish towel and began to dry.

"Now about that delicious smell, what have you been up to back here?"

"Oh, I just finished making a big batch of cookies for you two to take on your trip. They're Emily's favorites; they have macadamia nuts and dark chocolate chips."

"Well, I'm sure they're about to be my favorite too," he replied, smiling, as he took two from the cooling rack. "Unfortunately I can't stay to chat, Em and I have to work out what we're bringing, make sure we don't forget anything."

"Oh I understand. Emily, hon, why don't you and Jay head up to your room?"

We left and started up the stairs to the second floor.

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