Chapter 4

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That night I went over to my friend Beth's house. All our old high school crew was getting together before heading back to college the next day. I began asking each of them if they wanted to join me on the hike, but everyone had plans or excuses – "Sorry, I've got a job this summer", "Sorry, I promised my Dad I'd help him build the deck", "Sorry, I'm taking classes this summer", "Sorry, eww, but I don't camp, I don't like bugs". I hoped I would have been luck tomorrow back at school.

I returned the next day, ready to talk to my professors and student advisor. I asked all my friends here the same question I had asked the day before, but the answers were all the same. Except one – "Sorry, I gotta work this summer, I don't have a trust fund like some people." I let it go, but it made me furious. I wasn't a "trust fund kid"; I had an educational fund that was set up for me by my grandparents. They set one up for each of their grandkids, and any unused money was to be made available to the others. They weren't rich, but what money they did have they believed should go towards our education. It wasn't my fault. What was I supposed to do, refuse the money and take out loans? Why should I? The worst had been the previous year, my senior year of high school, when everyone was comparing loan packages and writing essays for every scholarship available, and I didn't have to because mine was already paid. They couldn't let it go. I was sick of it. The A.T. couldn't come soon enough.

I decided to post online to try to find someone who wanted to do the hike. I didn't want to go with a stranger, but I also didn't want to sit at home all summer working random third shifts at FoodTown. I figured there was no harm in posting, and I would meet them first and could always say no if I didn't like them. I made my post: 

19y/o F is seeking partner to hike the Appalachian Trail. Start 3rd week of April in Georgia, end no later than mid-Sept in Maine. Split expenses.

It was to the point, but I didn't like the way 19y/o F sounded. I didn't want some dude doing this hike just to try to get in bed with me. I added one more line, in all caps:


I posted it, and hoped for the best.

A week passed and I had no replies. It seemed not many people did have the ability to take five months off to go hike the A.T., or if they did, they weren't interested in going with me. I continued to work on my papers and study for the exams, and received notice that my "educational experience" would allow me to skip the first three weeks of fall semester if needed, provided I made up the work.

On the tenth day, I received a reply.

"I will go with you. 28y/o M. Assume you will want to meet first, my schedule is flexible, let me know where/when."

28 year old man. The same age as Alex. Well, I had been clear with the "no romantic relationship" part. I responded with a day and time in two days, and for the location picked a local coffeeshop. He didn't state his location, so he would have to come to me, or suggest another spot in between.   

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