Advantage of God's forgiveness:

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We as human beings we always sin each and every single day of our lives. We can do something bad to someone but the person can be so nice and forgives us uncountable times no matter what you did to the person he/she will forgive you. 

Some people always take advantage of being nice and a forgiven person. They always have this thought that when they do something against you, you will forgive them. There's nothing wrong with forgiving the person each time you get hurt.

You should be able to forgive the person who hurted you even if the person keeps hurting you, It is hard to do so whenever you find it hard to forgive the person remind yourself that you also sin against the Lord and if  we confess our sins to Him He will forgive you.

We as human beings we always take advantage of the most lovely person and that is God.

God is somebody who loves us way too much whenever we sin against Him He forgives us no matter what the sin is that we committed, He is forever faithful to forgive you.

The way God is you can't describe His love that He has for us, whenever you realize that you have sinned against Him He will forgive you maybe you did something that you never knew it may be a sin after that exact act that you did He will forgive you.

People, nowadays they take advantage of the fact that God is someone who forgives when you feel bad about what you did. people they have this mindset that God is a someone who forgives uncountable times, He may be that God that you think He is but never think of taking advantage of the fact that He forgives when you regret from committing that exact sin that you keep doing, pray about it ask the Lord to help you to stay away from that sin.

Pray for you that you may be able to stay away from that sin that you wish not to do it again!

God bless y'all for reading today's message stay blessed!

Love y'all!

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