The right age to do God's work:

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When we mention a certain age we either think the person is too young or too old, some also think that age is just a number.

In the natural world people around they despise you because of your age when they find out how old you are. But when it comes to the spiritual realm God doesn't look at how old you are, when God wants to use you at a young age the only thing you must do is to open up yourself for Him to enter He will use you to glorify His name and show people that indeed He is the living God and remains to be the living God forever Amen!

The fact that you are young doesn't mean that you can't do work of the Lord When God sees that He wants to use you and you allow Him to use you He will do that no matter how old you are. The mentality that people have is wrong, we got this mentality that only people who are above the 30 years can do the work of God and that mind that we have must be changed for it says in Acts 2:17: In the last days God says: I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young will see visions. Your elders will dream dreams.

Nowadays we see young children they get used by God, they do a lot of great things through God because they have opened themselves for God to enter into their lives nowadays young children they preach the gospel, leading worship and praise, preforming miracles, delivering people and bringing them to the Light of God.

 God can you in any way if you just open up yourself to God, not only by doing His work if God wants you to rule over something He will do that. If we look into the bible 2 Chronicles 34:1 Josiah was 8 years old when he became king, and he ruled for thirty-nine years in Jerusalem.

A young boy of an age of 8 years became a king and ruled over Jerusalem for thirty-nine years. He opened up himself and allowed the Lord to use him in everything the Lord wanted him to do.

My message to all the younger ones never let someone despise you of your age, the only thing you need to do is to open up yourself for Lord to enter so that He can use you to show people that the God that we serve is the living God and remains to be the living God forever Amen!

God bless y'all for reading this message!

Love y'all!

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