Love your neighbor as thy self

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We all have people around us who dislike us or love us with all their hearts. Being loved by people is such a wonderful feeling, the people that love you with all their heart and soul they also love to be around the people that they love.

People who love you this much they will find every means to make you feel loved and put a smile on your face. Not only people on this earth love us this much, but there's also a great person who loves us so much even more than the people on this earth, that Person sacrificed His own to save our lives... and that Person is the Almighty God.

God loved His people so much that He sent His only begotten Son... if we go into the bible John 3:16 it says For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. People who are telling you that they love you they might really love you but if you ask them to die for you they will never lay their lives for you to show you that they love you.

We all have someone around us that we really love with all our hearts and soul, but now the question is... do we love ourselves the way we love our neighbors? Sometimes it's hard for us humans beings to love ourselves the way we are.... even me it was a big struggle for me to love myself  the way I am in past it became so bad that it started to bring me negative thoughts and started to ask myself questions that I wasn't supposed to ask myself  but now that I totally gave my life to Christ I start to work on loving myself the way I am, we are all worth to be loved and love ourselves. Mostly when it comes to not being able to love ourselves we more often think about the mistakes we made in the past, that makes it hard for us to not love ourselves the way we are if you made mistakes in the past or made mistakes that you feel sorry about it doesn't mean that you can't love yourself or can be loved by someone... Jesus Christ came to die for our sins because of the love that He had for us He didn't look at the mistakes we made in the past. 

Whenever you shwow people that you really love yourself many people might say or think that you are crazy well let me tell you... that you are not crazy because as the ten commandments says love your neighbor as thy self.

We all deserve the that we also show to our neighbors as we are brothers and sisters in Christ. 

It may be a big struggle for us to ourselves as we love our neighbor but now I am pleading with to start loving yourself because you are worth to love yourself we are all loved by people around us but also remember that there's a greater person who loves us more than anyone! 

Thank you guys for reading today's message, like, share and comment below!!

Reminder for Y'all: loving yourself is not a crime!

God bless y'all I love Y'all!!

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