Trust Issues

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"We have to do something! We can't just keep her tied down to the bed!" Linc yelled at the rest of them but they were too scared to do anything. For the past three days Scarlett has been blood thirsty, and blind because of it. When she slept she moaned for Blair. It was either or... nobody could talk to her.

"It's the sire bond. Do you think she'll die?" Xavier asked and everybody's eyes went wide and backed away from him slowly. "What? We don't know th-AAAAAHHHH!" Scarlett's teeth sank into his neck and she drank mercilessly. As his body became heavy Scarlett's eyes returned to their human colors.

Scarlett's POV

I dropped Xavier and grabbed my head. "I need you all.. to run," I warned but Linc refused. "We can't just leave you like this," she said running to Xavier's side and checking his pulse.

"He's not dead," she said holding his neck, "He can recover." I sighed in relief. "I missed his vein.. but barely.. I won't be able to control it next time," I continued to warn them.

We had settled at an abandoned cabin in the woods. It was uncomfortable but it would hide them for awhile. "I can smell her," Scarlett said her eye gold and now scanning the forest.

"She's close but not close enough. You all need to go," Scarlett said and Xavier groaned. "Find her ... you need her," he said with his eyes still closed. War stood from leaning against the car. "I don't care if I have to chain you up and put you in the trunk. We're not leaving your side. Even if that means we gotta go head to head with the bitch anyway," he said.

They all nodded in agreement and we packed some clothes and got on the road. "Her scent is getting stronger..." I said. "You ever bite me again I'm shaving your eyebrows off," Xavier joked from the backseat. "Am I gonna turn into what you are?" he asked and Scarlett shook her head. "You have to be born into this blood," she  said her eyes going gold and red. "Stop the car." Linc pulled over and so did Mathis, War and Regis in the car behind them.

"She's in that mansion," she said walking up to the gate. "Nobody gets in," he said and then studied me more attentively. "Oh shit! SHE'S HERE!! THE PRINCESS IS BACK!" He opened the gate and we walked in slowly.

People flooded out of the house cheering and forming a circle around us. "It's her! It's Adrianna!!" It was a struggle getting to the front door but as soon as I opened it there sat Blair in chains.

Behind her stood my mother and father. "Adrianna!" I looked into her green eyes and ran to her embrace. My father waiting patiently as my mother and I wept. "I thought I'd never see you again," I admitted hugging my father.

"A lot went on Scarlett. So much to explain," he said and I looked at Blair. "Adrianna you didn't tell us you were a princess," Regis said reminding everyone of their presence.

"I didn't know I was," I said looking around the mansion. So modern. "I'm sired to her," I informed and they nodded. "It'll be a hard fix. A sire bond is dark magic but seeing as though she's your soul mate-"

"My what?" I asked and my mother sighed. "We'll explain everything. For now let's get you and your friends situated. What are you wearing anyway? Have you ever heard of Versace? Quality content... ugh my child. We'll get it fixed .."

My mother showed me a room. It was bare, not even a carpet. "Let's see ... your grown now... I know," she snapped , there was a flash and the room was different . Carved and polished oak wood furniture. The carpet soft and plush. A canopy above the bed and the walls a deep burgundy color.

"I love that trick, your father hates it though. Everyday the furniture is different," she said I chuckled. I favored her more than my father. I had all her features except for his blue eye. "Mom there's so much-" She hugged me, almost suffocating me.

"It's such a long story. The worst thing Blair ever did to you was listen to her mother," she said and my eyebrows furrowed. "Ah .. so much for you to know .. her mother is a Queen in hell. One of hundreds. She's a descendant from a cast out Demi-God from The Order, Dallas," the look of confusion on my face caused her to chuckle.

"We are descendants of the Goddess Adrianna now Demi-God. You were named after her. Dallas infected The Order with a serum made from his blood , and killed his own mother once it was discovered he was not pure. The serum changed their DNA and very few was able to survive it. It was like a sickness. The few who survived made a one way portal, who ever was casted in could not come out. They threw Dallas in and never looked back. For centuries a war raged... they have tried everything to return us to our pure state until when finally-"

"Dinner is ready. I hope you like toasted dolphin," my father said stepping into the room. "Your serious?" I asked in disgust and he laughed, "Of course not! I cooked the Colt boy."


"A joke .. a joke. Where is his brother?" he asked and I shrugged. "He had completed the academy. Blair would know," I said and he nodded as he showed me to the Dining Room.

It was a long table adorned with food. We all ate in laughter and my Dad had his fun with my friends. "Where's Blair?" I asked and my father's eyes grew dark but my mother placed her hand over his.

"Tristan," my father said and a man stood up and walked over to me offering me his hand. I took it and followed him. "Who are you?" I asked. "Blair's brother, didn't notice the dashing hair and piercing eyes," he joked. "Sorry.. she never mentioned you," I said and he nodded, "Ungrateful bitch really.. she never does." He led me to a basement where she was in a cell. "Adrianna?" she asked as soon as the door opened. I walked in and he grabbed my arm, "You must stay away from her. They're weakening her so they can break the sire bond. If she gets even a drop into your system.. it could be fatal when the time comes."

I nodded and went down the steps. "Crazy how the tables turn huh.." she said. She looked in a daze.. out of it.. her eyes stuck in their red state.

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