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Adrianna Scarlett POV

"Missions are ranked from easiest to hardest A, B , C , D , S. When in a A through C mission your comrades lives will always be valued over the mission. In a D ranked mission an injured comrade will be left behind for future recon or until support squads can retrieve them. In an S class mission, you are required to die for the success of that mission or make sure the failure for the mission is neutral for all parties... Did you not get enough sleep Ms.Scarlett?"

My head shot up .. I was nodding off. "I'm sure some push-ups will-"

"Professor Clyde pardon her please. She's still adjusting," Linc spoke up. Professor Clyde looked at me with a warning glance, "25 points from Level 1," and then continued with his lesson. Linc tapped her water bottle and I took the hint. I need to stay awake.

When we got into the hallway someone shoved me into a wall. "You keep fucking up we're gonna end up being last to eat next week," he said as he held me by my shirt.

I grabbed his wrist and he began to grunt as I burned his skin. "Don't touch me," I warned and shoved him off me.

"Don't mind him. Regis wants to be representative so bad but Ms.Ryder isn't even worried about him," Linc mumbled leading me to my second class.

**** Level 1 Schedule****

Class 1: Mission analyzing
Class 2: Weaponry
Class 3: Potions & Poisons
Class 4: Species History
Class 5: Modern Tech
Class 6: Survival
Class 7: Physical Training
Class 8: Combat

It was lunch and Linc told me to eat light so I just got a chicken salad and some water. I really miss my fangs. When lunch was over she led me behind the main building through the courtyard The Forest. Sir Hayden stood on the outside of it smoking a cigar.

"I know how we all like the forest right. There's marked spots all across this forest. Some close, some far, some better than others. You have an hour to find one, start a fire, set up camp and a form of security. You'll split up into groups of 5," he said throwing his cigarette into the air. It burned quickly into bright embers and with a snap of his fingers it turned into butterflies.

He assigned groups. I was the leader of mine. Linc, Regis, Myself, some kid named Mitchell who had recently failed to retain and a guy named War. "Two butterflies will follow each group. It will be my way of tracking you. You have an hour. When you are finished blow one out. No team is allowed to help another team. You've all been given a bag with everything you need. Whichever team fails , the leader of that team will owe me 100 push ups. 20 for each member. You have an hour. Start!" he said and everyone began walking into the woods.

"There's a river maybe a 15 minute walk from here," Regis said and I nodded. "I'm sure you all know these woods better than I do. Lead the way," I said and War stepped forward.

"So are you a fire starter or something? Your not human that's for sure," Regis questioned aloud and I shrugged. "I don't really know what I am," I admitted and he turned away embarrassed. "Sorry I asked.. I was just curious if you had any abilities that could help," he apologized and I smiled at him.

"What about you Mitchell?" Regis asked and Mitchell shook his head, "I'm human."

"War?" he pushed and War stopped abruptly and turned to him. "I know how to kill people. Now shut up," he responded. It was quiet after that.

We started to hear the water and saw a couple teams arriving. "Let's go across," I said and everybody looked at me. "What? Are you nuts look at the current, we can't walk through that?" Regis spat annoyed.

"Well maybe we don't have to. Linc do you think you could manipulate the water? The same way you extracted the poison from my body? You can manipulate liquids ... or so it seemed," I suggested and she took a deep breath.

She placed her hands in the water and closed her eyes. War became impatient after a couple minutes and began pacing and mumbling doubts. "Maybe he's right this is a waste of time?" she doubted as well. Why won't this water just fucking separate?!

"WOAH!" I looked back at the river to see it separate , making a path for us to walk across to the other side and once we got there it came together again.

"I never knew I could do that," Lincoln said giving me a hug. I gave a small smile and Regis took off the backpack. "War and I will get the tent started. Mitchell set up some trip wi -" Regis looked at me for a long time with confusion. "What's wrong?" I asked and he shook his head and started with the tent. "The water gives us enough security on this side. Mitchell is there something from Level 3 you can use for the other side?" Linc asked making a pile of stones.

"I can set up some trip wire. I'll connect it to equipment around camp so be careful," he said drawing something out in the dirt. "I'm almost certain nobody else will use it that way," he mumbled and Linc blushed while she snuck glances at him.

"So anyway. We should get started on the fire Linc, we don't have much time left," I suggested and she nodded. We got the firewood and came back. "I'm not good at making fire ..." Linc admitted and I smiled. I focused on the firewood and it caught fire.

"It'll catch in a minute. How's the tent War?" I asked and he gave me a thumbs up while sitting in it. I blew out one of the butterflies and within minutes Sir Hayden appeared out of leaves. I wonder what species he's from?

He inspected the camp carefully, pulling on certain parts of the tent. He tripped on something and fell. One of the trip wires were pulled into the fire and soon they all caught fire. The fire moved in the direction of Sir Hayden. He was all tangled up from the trip wire. "Mitchell!" I yelled and War threw him a machete and Mitchell jumped out the way. "You were supposed to catch it idiot!"

I felt it... that flood of energy and invincibility and before I knew it the machete handle was in my hands , the wire was cut and Sir Hayden was out of harms way.

"The five of you are to be in Ms.Ryder's office standing at attention immediately.." he forced out as he tried to catch his breath. "Sir Hayden did we-"

I was slammed into a tree so hard the bark flew off. His hand was wrapped around my throat harshly. "I don't repeat myself Adrianna Scarlett," he warned through clenched teeth.

I nodded and he let go.

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