Being Unfortunate

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Scarlett's POV

I'm beginning to despise living. I was doing push ups while Sir Hayden held a hose that was spraying very cold water over my head. It was pouring into my hair, neck, eyes, nose and mouth. It was terrible. I looked to the side to see Bach, the weakest link in the entire level unable to get up.

"Until he does fifty more push ups Rep this is gonna be a long night. You have 27 more to go yourself. Actually ... I'm getting annoyed. Start over," he said and I was getting pissed.

"Come on Bach! Get up!" I tried but he just shook his head. "I have an idea Rep why don't you just do his push ups for him? I'm sure you can push out 200," he mocked and I felt my entire body shake with fatigue.

"That's enough," I heard Ms.Ryder's voice and the cold water stopped. "Rep follow me to my office. As for you Mr.Bach you just cost Level 2 30 points. Consider your level in the bottom again," she said coldly.

"On your feet Rep," she said and I got up and followed her into the main building to her office. I'm beginning to think you like coming up here," she said as I stood at attention. "I find it odd Sir Hayden authorized inspection after inspection on Level 2. We've been hit four times this week. Twenty times in the past three months," I argued.

"Yet there is a flaw every-time," she spat back with a smile and I became angrier by the second. "He's reaching," I said through gritted teeth. "And you're failing," she said with a smile. That's it.

In the blink of an eye my fangs were by her neck but just as fast was I pinned down, bent over her desk, my arms behind my back. She bent over, now hovering above me , her breath hit my neck and then I felt her fangs .. sharp enough that the lightest touch broke skin.

I winced and shut my eyes tight to prepare for what was coming. "How could you even attempt to come for my blood when your scared of getting bit," she said and I hid my face from her. She released me, "You have a month to get your level together Rep and if I don't see improvement I'm voting for Level 2 in it's entirety to fail to retain. Now get out."

I got up and opened the door but just as soon as I began to step out I caught a whiff of her blood and the veins in my face surfaced. My blood lust raged and I turned around to see her wrist bleeding. She was testing me.

"Get out," she repeated and I couldn't control my body from moving. My fangs pulsed but my body continued out the door. She cut deeper into her wrist and my body paused. I needed her blood. "Feed," and within seconds my mouth was on her wrist . She let out an evil chuckle. She was pleased with what she had turned me into. Her fingers went through my hair as I fed.

After feeding from her however time would become a blur. It was a long lasting intoxication. I would be caught in such a nonchalant rage. It could be days to weeks depending on how much I drank.

"Hey ... Adrianna?" I looked to the doorway to see Mathis. He glanced quickly into my eyes and then to the floor. "Well ... I gathered all of Level 2 into the common room for you," he said and I nodded. I walked out there to see all the students eyeing me cautiously.

"Ms. Ryder has made it clear that we have a month to get it together or she will fail the level in its entirety," I said and they started to bitch and complain amongst themselves. "With that being said I've appointed Xavier as assistant rep. You will listen to him as you listen to me," I announced and one kid shoved his way to the front.

"Xavier... because he's dicking you down?" The crowd went silent. "Not yet. I picked him because he's been in Level 3 before," I replied irritated.

"So did Mathis!" He argued glaring at Xavier. "Xavier killed a third of his class. Does that make him better? Probably not but he causes fear. There won't be another word about it," I stated and everyone was now quiet.

**The Next Day**

I was walking to the quarry when I could smell Xavier behind me. "You're following me again," I said and he jogged up next to me. "Scarlett you haven't-"

"Been myself? I'm aware X. I've been better."

Xavier stepped in front of me and narrowed his eyes. "What has gotten into you?" he asked frustrated. I smiled and this only frustrated him more. "I wish you would get into me," I mumbled and his jaw dropped. I went to walk past him and he grabbed be my shoulders and pinned me to the tree.

"You should've asked," he said before turning me around and burying his face into my neck. His hands working to get to my breasts. A moan escaped my lips and then I felt a sharp pain in my head. It became worse and I dropped to my knees and leaned against the tree.

I looked up to see Xavier looking at his hands which were now burned. I was so confused until I saw Ryder walking up behind Xavier.

She was pissed. I felt a rush run through me and she flew backwards into the tree behind her. Xavier helped get me up and we were running until I felt something harsh run through my stomach, my shirt quickly became drenched in my blood.

Xavier stares at me in shock. In seconds Ryder was behind him. "Sleep.." He fell and before he could hit the ground she was behind me.

The machete that had impaled me was ripped out and shoved into my chest. "You will know fear. Respect. And Loyalty once I'm done with you," she warned before I coughed up bled.

She twisted the machete and I fell into a death.

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