Harsh Lessons 1

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Adrianna Scarlett's POV

It was quiet. I was handcuffed behind my back and my legs were free, no muzzle ... yet blindfolded. The door opened ... somebody was being dragged and then thrown into the cell next to mine. The man was crying something horrific. He cried himself to sleep... I stood and took a deep breath. At inhuman speed I charged at the cell but I was too weak. I just stumbled back to the ground.

"Why not try and break the cuffs first?" a woman asked. I didn't notice her presence , I couldn't smell her or hear her heartbeat. "What are you?" I asked and she chuckled... "What I could be is more the concern. Your friend, your boss, your ally, your hero, your enemy .. target... your lover," and on her last words I could feel her breath on my neck. She was in the cell with me!

I crouched and tried to catch her with a leg sweep but her whole presence had disappeared. "Might've worked on a human buttercup but not on me," her voice said as I began to be pulled to a stand by my hair.

I was turned to face the person and they removed the blindfold. She was taller, a caucasian woman with long blonde hair , her eyes red and a flash of her fangs. Her face flawless. She was in a black t-shirt and dark blue camouflage pants with black military boots. We were stuck in each other's eyes until I rushed her against the wall and sinked my teeth into her neck.

Huge mistake. Oleander.

I stumbled back from her while gagging and wheezing uncontrollably. "You took a big gulp there..." she chuckled. I tried to spit up as much of her blood as possible. I was seeing triple.

"How did you-"

She kneed me in the stomach and then slammed my face into her knee. Definitely a broken nose. She kicked me into the wall so hard I bounced off and fell to the floor.

"My fault I never introduced myself love. My name is Ms. Ryder and you're at my service. Literally. You see dear girl.. I own you and everyone you'll be living amongst... including The Colt Brothers."

Xavier... She kept talking and talking but the poison was starting to get to me, my body was slowly becoming paralyzed.

She got on top of me , straddling my lap. "It's a homemade strain of oleander. No fighting it honestly. Its not a deadly dosage .. but you can't die from poison anyway so don't worry. However your fangs have to go..."

"No...please.." I begged. I tried to move but all I could do was twitch and she chuckled at my attempt.

"I know they grow back within a months time and within that month if you've grown my trust I'll let you keep them ... if not I'll pull them right out again. Now sweet pea.. this is gonna hurt," she promised.

She forced my mouth open and reached into her back pocket for some tool. I screamed as she wiggled and pulled my fangs out , blood fell back into my throat making me gag and choke. She held them up for me to see.

"Think of it as punishment for biting me," she said standing.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you I swear to-"

"I can pull out all your teeth if you'd like Ms.Scarlett. I don't take kindly to threats, especially by those I've helped. You're not chained to a wall or muzzled. You attempt to kill me and you'll never see your parents again," she said and then walked out.

My parents...

There wasn't much to it as my body fought the oleander which wouldn't kill me I know ... but it still effected my body. The pain where my fangs once was overlapped all other emotion. I laid in the cell paralyzed and in pain waiting for it ware off.

Hours Later

"She is to be escorted to room 36E. Have the nurse give her pain medication once a day. She'll be out for 2 days before she attends her classes," I heard Ms.Ryder say as my cell opened.

I was lifted up by arms. "Wait," she ordered and she lifted my chin with one finger. Still dazed and confused yet her warning came clear, "Keep your nose clean or I'll clean it for you."

I was pulled away and brought outside and then inside. They banged on a door. "Q.O OPEN UP!" they ordered. The door swung open. My vision was too blurry to make out the features of the girl but I was thrown to her and we both hit the floor.

"She's your roommate now. Sponsor her wisely," they spat and then left slamming the door. The girl helped me to an empty bed asking me simple questions I was incapable of answering in my condition. She put a wet cold cloth on my forehead and whispered something and I began to groan in pain. Her eyes were of a light purple.

She took the cloth off my forehead and wrung it into a bowl and then placed it back on my forehead. She repeated this process maybe three times and I was completely recovered by the end. "Thank you," I mumbled and she nodded handing me a glass of water. "What did you do exactly?" I asked and she smiled. "Drained the poison from your body. I believe it to be oleander from the smell and color," she said.

"You know poisons?" I asked and she nodded with a bit of a smile, "I'm being trained to be a field medic. I like it fortunately... a lot of people end up not liking what their assigned to."

"Assigned?" I asked and she chuckled, "You have a lot of questions which is normal. I think you need to rest though. We'll talk more at breakfast," she said sitting at a desk. "What are you doing?" She laughed once more and said, "Studying, now go to bed."

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