The Return

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Scarlett's POV

"Hey Scarlett," Xavier called after me but acted as if I couldn't hear him. It's been months since the incident with Ms.Ryder and I haven't spoken to him since. "Scarlett! Mr. Hayden and Ms.Ryder is doing an inspection!" Linc informed me and I hurried to our room only to see it completely trashed.

Ms.Ryder stood in the middle of it. "Don't be worried. This is usually a good thing. You've passed your inspection with flying colors , honestly darling I couldn't find a thing." My eyes narrowed and she smiled at my irritation.

"Level 3 is around the corner Scarlett. You've been doing well as a representative and I think I'll keep you in the position however.. your assistant lacks any real necessity to keep it," she said and began to walk out the door.

I'm beginning to really hate it here. "We move tonight," I said and Linc nodded. It was 2 am and I met the gang out in the quarry. We had all left at different times to avoid suspicion.

"You sure you can do this Scarlett?" Linc asked and I nodded. I practiced the spell a million times. I changed to myself slowly and quietly , pronouncing the latin language with respect but confidence.

The portal opened in the bottom of the quarry. "Scarlett!" I turned in fear but it was Alora. She threw me something and I caught it. The necklace. I thanked her and she nodded before disappearing for her own good. "Jump!"

One second I was submerged in water and the next moment I was in an abandoned building. "Scarlett!" Mathis was doing chest compressions on Regis. I placed my hand over his mouth and pulled the water out of his lungs.

He coughed it up and thanked me immediately. "So.. where are we?" War asked and I stood up looking down at the city. "New York," I said and he looked at me confused, "Why?"

"Well A) it's a different continent and B) we're gonna need somewhere to hit for clothes and supplies .. somewhere we're not staying ..." I answered and Regis sighed, "Okay so where can we get some clothes?"

"We can't travel in this. We'll have to wait until nightfall and steal some .. only then can we travel during the day," I said and everybody nodded in agreement.

We couldn't really get comfortable, we all laid on top of each other as we caught up on sleep. Note to self: no portals to different time zones.

"It's time," Xavier said shaking me awake and I nodded getting up. We located a mall, using my magic to disable all the power and alarms.

We left no store unturned. We grabbed clothes, supplies, electronics, blankets, and any money we could Savage from the registers. We each had maybe a suitcase and a two duffel bags. "Okay now what?" Xavier asked as we made our way out the mall.

"Car shopping of course," I smiled. "I know this is far from normal for other people but this is normal for me ya know?" War laughed and we all agreed.

We stashed our things in an empty dumpster and walked to the car dealership. "Two cars. Best thing on the lot is the Black Volkswagen Passat and the Blue Dodge Charger," Regis said pointing them out. I nodded and they all began walking around the lot distracting the associates. "I would like to buy," I said walking up to an associate who already had his eyes set on me. My gold eye throwing him off but he said nothing.

"Name?" he asked. "Linda Cowen," I said and smiled then realizing that was his wife's name. "You will sell the Black Volkswagen Passat and Blue Dodge Charger in your wife's name and you will forget my face and interaction," I said and he blinked a couple times before doing just that. Thank you Ms.Ryder.

It was maybe two hours before the work was done and we hopped in the cars. I haven't driven a vehicle in years. We drove the cars to our stuff, packed up and hit the road. Linc, Regis, and War drove with me in the Passat.

"Where to now boss," War said getting comfortable in the front seat. "Virginia... It's a six hour drive," I said and Regis leaned in from the back. "You've lived this life before?" he asked and I nodded. "I was young and reckless then. I made mistakes. She won't catch me a second time. But what about all of you? Don't you all have family?" I asked and War let out a huge laugh.

"We're family," he pointed out and then turned on some music. "Gosh ... It's been a while. I feel like I travelled through time," Linc said playing with her phone.

"May I suggest Netflix?" War said and Regis groaned, "Hulu is so much better." Well they're the taking all of this well.

"When are you going to talk to Xavier?" Linc asked and I looked at her through the rear view mirror but I didn't say anything.

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