Level S ADV Part.II

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Blair's POV

I sat in the back of the classroom watching my division as they took their initial exam. The exam served two purposes. One was to see how much information they could process and retain. It included classroom studies and things I have taught them in the field. The second purpose was to see who could cheat and not get caught. Every exam was tailored to the individual. Basic things they should know, learned, and things they know their peers know. There were board members all around the room watching every movement from a yawn to a eye twitch. If caught cheating three times in a row you automatically failed. Now in a regular division this was fine as the initial exam served the one purpose of processing and retaining information.

However, in my division if caught cheating to the point you fail you'd have to survive the night in The Forest. I think that scared a majority of them into not cheating which is why if you scored lower than 80 on the exam the punishment was the same. You couldn't pass the exam without cheating at least four times.

"Anderson.Fail." I looked in Anderson's direction as he flipped his test over. "Continue the exam," I ordered. Demetrius would need his answers. Demetrius had brains but brains were not necessarily his strength. I assume he'll be the next fail. A bird flew in the room and landed sporadically in random places before landing on Scarlett's desk for a few seconds and then leaving back through the window.

"London. Fail." That's shocking seeing as though I always see her studying. "Continue the exam," I sighed heavily and I could see her tense up. I expected her to guess or just allow a wrong answer before cheating. She had never gotten into any trouble since she had been enrolled. However I knew she had created a drug that enhanced performance and one for recreation. Hayden tried every drug test and even took blood work from her clients but it always came back clean. We knew it was her but couldn't prove it and since it fascinated me so much I never bothered her.

I was intrigued by Adrianna though. Arika was not hidden but snaked along her torso and her neck. She had finished her test a couple moments after London was caught yet she was still going through the test still moving her pencil about as if actively taking it. "Scarlett. Fail." I looked at the board member who had failed her. How? "Demetrius. Fail." My pencil snapped in my hand. What game are they playing? How shocking that the brothers and Adrianna fail? I've seen this trio before. I don't like it. She shouldn't be building attachments like this. Not for graduation.

"Continue the exam," I said and then finally looked to Riley for the last time. "Riley. Fail."

When the timer went off everyone dropped their pencils immediately. "If you failed the exam. Stay seated. The rest of you are relieved until noon. Your exams will be graded by then. Dismissed." They all left including the board members and then it was just me and them.

I moved to the front of the classroom. "I would like you all to know The Forest is forbidden to students without supervision. There are elements that can kill you," I said and then looked at each member of the new trio. "True colors are always tested in the darkness," I riddled and began to collect the exams. "You are relieved until noon like rest of the division but I advise you pack a bag for survival. You'll be entering The Forest at 1800. Dismissed."

I collected all the exams and exited the main building. Students were always so nervous when I walked around. When I got to the conference room the board members along with Hayden was waiting. "This is the lowest amount of failures you've had in the past 5 years," Yolanda said and I smiled. "Well you did pick a challenging group and we haven't graded the others yet," I replied passing the exams out. "Demetrius. Scarlett. London. Anderson. I want a microscope evaluation at the end," I said and they nodded. Their exams were given to Hayden who began to place them on the various projectors around the room.

The grading process was a silent one. Like I had said earlier each test was tailored to the individual. The board members had just spent 4 years watching these students like hawks. Tests had to be compared to others, they had to refer to their notes while they were scouting the exam. If they had been caught cheating on a particular question it was marked wrong lowering their score. Finally they all threw the tests in. I went through them.

"Out of the 56 graded tests of 60. 45 have successfully passed their initial exam,"I said and looked at Yolanda. "However, still the lowest amount of failures in 5 years. Hayden are their exams up for viewing yet?" I asked. He nodded and turned off the lights.

"Who watched Demetrius?" I asked and Reginald raised his hand. "Demetrius failed the exam with an 68," Hayden informed. "It's possible he would have passed, if he hadn't tried to cheat so obviously," Reginald filled in.

"At what time did Anderson get caught?" I asked. "2 hours and 16 minutes into the exam," Caprius spoke and I looked back to Reginald. "Demetrius?" I asked. "2 hours and 34 minutes," Reginald answered. "Safe to say he failed for his brother," I summed up and he all nodded.

"What was Anderson's final score?" I asked. "74," Caprius announced and I nodded. "London?" I asked and Yolanda raised her hand. "She passed with an 82. Her test was complete," Hayden said passing the test to Yolanda. "Her time of failure was 2 hours and 19 minutes. She had been caught cheating three times within three minutes," Yolanda said and I nodded.

"This has something to do with Anderson?" I suggested. "I believe she did it knowing Demetrius would follow Anderson," Yolanda informed and I nodded. I didn't think of that Avenue.

"Adrianna Scarlett?" I questioned. Darius raised his hand. Hayden hesitated before he finally said, "Perfect Score." I leaned forward. "That's impossible. That hasn't happened in years," I argued but he began to run other exams through the projector.

"Question 5 could have only been answered if she gained access to Question 16 on Antonio's test. Question 67 was given to her by Question 62 on Bennet's test," he explained. He reviewed other questions as well. She truly had gained a perfect score.

"The bird," Hayden said and then pulled up the surveillance from the classroom. "It entered within the first thirty minutes," Darius said and the room looked at him. "It came in 1 hour 24 minutes into the exam," said Hayden.

"Negative. 2 hours and 17 minutes," I said and we all looked at each other. "Hayden?" I asked. He watched the surveillance closely. "The bird flew in a total of 11 times the entire exam. There's 14 of us. Which means she cloaked it so only one person could see it at a time. The bird... gave her the answers," he said and I leaned back in my seat.

"The reward for a perfect score on the initial exam is 24 hours at The Inn. If she survives The Forest she will retain this reward," I said and the board members looked at me shocked. "She failed.." Yolanda began to speak. "She failed the secondary purpose of the exam which is to cheat without getting caught and did so on purpose. I believe her intentions are for the brothers. Are we to punish her and ignore her perfect score for camaraderie?" I questioned and the tension in the room became easier.

"Graduation is going to be quite unpredictable," Hayden said and everyone nodded.

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