Getting Ready

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Taehyung's POV

"Let's go now!!" Me and Jimin said and invited them out of the cafe.

"WAIT MY COFFEE IS NOT——" Jungkook said still seating and his lips are still adherent to the straw.

I cut him off by saying, "BYE JUNGKOOKIE~ WE'LL LEAVE NOW".

With that, Jungkook just leave the unfinished coffee at the table and ran to us.

"You kinda enjoyed the coffee?" Breanna asked to Jungkook who is panting. She then wiped Jungkook's lips that is stained of the beverage.

Jungkook just stood there, frozen. Our precious maknae is blushing so hard!

"Aish!" Jungkook just said and swing his arms around Breanna's shoulder and went inside our car.

"Wait! Breanna, How about your car?" Nicole asked Breanna who is now inside Bangtan's car.

"You can drive it, Here's the key" Breanna replied and toss Nicole the key and she caught it.

All of them went inside the car except for me, Jannah, Nicole, Jimin and Yoongi.

"See you there at the mall!" Jin hyung said who is at the driver seat. They rolled the window up and went their way to the mall.

"Who's driving?" Nicole asked but no one raised their hands.

"Okay fine, get in" Nicole said with a voice that is so done with us and get in the car.

Yoongi was about to grab the handle of the passenger's seat but instead of the handle, he grab Jimin's hands.

They looked at each other, Jimin gives Yoongi a signal to go in the back since Nicole is driving. Yoongi is just lazy to argue with him so he went behind me.

I entered the car after Jannah and fixed my Celine branded shirt. I made myself comfortable and looked at Jannah who is looking at the window.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she met my eyes.

She smiled before saying "Yes, I am just nervous".

"Buckle up!" Nicole said and we obeyed. Jimin fixed himself and buckle the seat belt to him.

"Let's go now" Nicole said and started the engine. Then, We drove our way to the mall.

"It's my first time here in Korea, Can you help me with the directions?" Nicole asked without breaking her gaze to the road.

"Here, You can use this" Jimin said and handed her his phone.

"Thank you" Nicole looked at Jimin who is smiling like an angel full of love. Nicole broke their gaze to look back at the road. But Jimin just looked at her without blinking. He really admires Nicole's feature.

"Nicole will melt with your stare, Jimin" Yoongi said who is busy with his phone. Jimin stopped staring at Nicole and looked at the window view instead. Nicole just smiled and teased Jimin.

"Am I really that cute for you to stare that long?" Nicole asked Jimin.

"You really know yourself well" Jimin said making Nicole blush like hell.

"Hey! No lovey dovey thingy while driving!" Yoongi said being the kill joy in this group. Well, He's the fifth wheel here since Yesha is not around.

I was about to laugh but I felt something heavy in my left shoulder. I saw Jannah asleep. The road got bumpy making Jannah's head bouncing. So I quickly held it to stay it in place.

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