The southern raiders

Start from the beginning

"No it's not, it's easy to do nothing but it's hard to forgive," Aang shook his head at him.

"It's not hard, it's impossible," Katara glared.


Late in the night Katara and Zuko changed into their black clothes from the eclipse that was over their normal ones, Katara put her hair in a low pony tail as Aang walked up behind her.

"So you were just going to take appa anyways?!" Aang asked in disbelief.

"Yes," she said simply. No regret.

"That's okay, because I forgive you... give you any ideas?" Aang smiled hopeful at him.

"Don't try to stop us," Katara warned as Zuko made sure they have everything packed.

"I wasn't planning too, this is a journey you need to take, you need to face this man," Aang finally said understanding. Katara nodded and got on appa.

"But when got do, please don't choose revenge, let your anger out... then let it go," Aang looked up at her as Zuko threw their bags up. "Forgive him,"

"Okay, we'll be sure to do that guru goody goody," Zuko rolled his eyes getting sick of hearing Aang repeat himself.

"Thanks for understanding Aang, yipp yipp,"

Zuko sat in the saddle as they took flight, he looked at Katara, not worried about her but he needed to know she was okay.

"Thanks for doing this with me," Katara said quietly keeping her back to him.

"You and me, partners forever right?" Zuko slid next to her as Katara looked at him softly.

"Even if I kill a man?" She asked looking down.

"If you truly want him dead I'll do it for you," Zuko told her calmly and Katara looked down as they flew to the first destination.

"So where to first?" Katara shook her head a little as she needed to focus on the mission.

"The fire navy communication tower, all the navy's movements are coordinated by messenger hawks, and every tower has to be up to date on where everyone is deployed," Zuko told her pulling out a map for them.

"So once we get to the tower we bust in and get the information we need," Katara gulped a little but nodded.

"Not exactly, we need to be stealthy and make sure no one spots us, otherwise they'll warn the southern raiders long before we reach them,"

they finally came across a tower on a rocky island and landed near the water so appa was out of sight.

The two ran around the corner to a area of water between the tower and where appa was. Katara froze the top of it as they both jumped on and pushed the ice block forward to the otherside with a wave to push them up onto the tower.

Zuko took the lead as they crouched behind a corner as he watched a few guards exit from a door and the two made a run for the door before it closed. Zuko pushed open a vent and helped Katara up by putting his hands together and gave her a lift. He jumped up himself and closed it behind him before anyone else came in.

They made it to a opening of the vent as Katara found a room with a map. They stopped there as Katara bended the ink to spill over the woman's desk as a distraction for her to get up to clean it off her hands. Once the door shut, they jumped down.

Zuko looked around as Katara landed on the floor after him as he found the shelves with scrolls to find the files and documents.

"Okay, southern raiders..." Zuko pulled out a scroll of a map as he rolled it flat on the desk.

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