He rubbed his head. "OK, so anybody have a manualfor flying with a 30 foot wingspan? Or try and beat me in a fight?" I raised my hand for the second one as did all the other Hunters, most of whom just wanted to kick his ass, or at least try.

He  gave a slow, cruel grin.

OK, now I KNOW we're screwed.

He stood up and closed his eyes for a second. When he opened his eyes, his wings slid into his back. He turned towards the close-combat area that me and eight other Hunters had set up. He walked over to where the swords were and whimpered. I remembered that as god of swords, whenever he was near a poorly kept sword, he would be in quite a bit of pain. He spun around and walked back over to us. "OK! I can't let you use those until I teach you how to actually take care of them. Everybody grab a sword."  We took a couple minutes in finding swords. "Good. Now all of you come here. Form a circle around me." It took three minutes to do it. "Now, all of you hold still." He spread his wings, which were a beautiful amethyst purple color, then spun around in a circle, his wings hitting all of the swords. When he stopped, the swords we were holding were much better than they had been before. Unlike our  knives, we had never really had the right training for sharpening swords. He gave a sigh of relief. "OK,  girls form a line. One at a time, attack me. Thalia, you're first." I grinned and charged him. Unlike the others, I had had  some trainig with the sword.

"Reall, Thals? I KNOW I taught you not to charge headlong at an opponent when you have a longer reaching weapon," he said disapprovingly. I winced. It never ended well when he used that tone.

And I was right about this not ending well.

Three hours later, we were all on the ground groaning. He shook his head with despair. "YYou  are going to hate me when I finish training you."

We glared at him.

He laughed. "Oh, that's right. You already do."

Artemis' voice came from behind him. "If that's the case, would you care to spar with me, Percy?"

He grinned and nodded his head. I smirked. He was SO gonna get his ass kicked.

They walked to opposite sides of the arena before taking up ready positioons, Percy with a sword and shield, Artemis with her knives in reversed grips, pressed against her forearms, blades facing outwards. Percy tensed before rushing for her just as she did the same.

As always when this sort of thing happens, they met in the middle.


Wow! Ares wasn't kidding when he said she was fast!

We were trading blows at what felt like light-speed, neither of us hittiing the other. She spun and kicked me in the chest, knocking me back a few steps. She took advantage of this momentary distraction by attacking me while my shield was down, but luckily for me, I managed to bring it back up in time to block a downward strike from both of her knives. I shoved my shield towards her, pushing her back a step. Immediately I began throwing blows at her even quicker. She managed to block all but  one of them.

Unfortunately for me, it was a bleeder.

I sprang back to the other side of the arena, holding my breath.

Another unfortunate thing for me. She came after me. I was still holding my breath, but that didn't stop me from fighting just as hard as she did.

You'll find out why I was holding my breath in a little while.

I rammed my shield into her chest, knocking the air out of her, before lifting her over my shoulder onto her back on the ground. We were both panting as I held my sword to her throat. "I think you win, Percy. Thank you for that." I nodded before removing my sword and sheathing it, before I gave her a hand up. She took a second to gain her bearings before nodding to me, effectively dismissing me. I walked over to my tent, where I got to my other chores. Actually, I just needed to sharpen the arrows, since everything else had certain requirements.Eight hours and over eight hundred thousand arrows later, Thalia came up calling out that it was time for dinner. I stood up with a groan as muscles in my back and legs stretched. I snapped my fingers,  sending me, Thalia and the arrows I had just sharpened into the middle of the camp. We walked into the dining tent to find everybody already in their seats with the exceptions of me and Thalia. She grinned and went to the seat at Artemis' right, leaving me the one to her left.

Percy Jackson: Assassin God Of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now