The man he addressed remained silent and I could feel him drilling holes into the back of my head with his eyes. I remained facing away from them, not wanting to show my face to any of those monsters. Father must have guessed what they were thinking since he immediately began to spew excuses without waiting for them to ask their questions. 

"She dyed her hair while in Paris. Isabella, aren't you going to turn around and greet your husband?" his voice held a certain edge to it as he addressed me, making me unconsciously flinch away in fear. I could feel the men in the room staring at me intently, causing me to become even more afraid and nervous than before. 

I began to shake violently and refused to meet the powerful man's dark gaze. My tears fell down and hit my pale hands that were wrapped tightly around my knees. I could feel the pressure in the room rise as the man seemed to be angered by me ignoring him. 

Suddenly, he placed his warm hand on my shoulder and squeezed it tightly, making me yelp in pain with more tears falling down my swollen eyes. He seemed to freeze in surprise and confusion at my action as if he didn't expect me to feel pain from the amount of force he used to grip onto my shoulder. I still kept my back facing him and refused to budge. 

Releasing his hand, he took a step back and took papers from another man before raising the papers towards me. I could feel my father's anger and shut my eyes tightly. 

"Sign this and I will be gone. I have given you a considerable amount of alimony," he stated in an emotionless tone and scoffed when my father exhaled in shock. 

" can't do this! My poor Isabella just regained consciousness, she doesn't even remember the past! You have to take responsibility. Isabella, what are you doing? Beg your husband for forgiveness!" my father began to yell at me and violently shook me back and forth. Upon receiving no reply, he let go of me and went to plead with the man instead.

A sudden throbbing began to attack my head more intensely, making me feel a wave of dizziness wash over me. I tried to grip onto the side rails of the bed but I had no more strength left in me. Falling backwards, I waited for the pain to hit me once my head collided with the nightstand but instead, I felt a warm pair of muscular arms wrap around me. They made me feel safe and protected. Through a blurry vision, I whispered one last plead, begging the handsome man to save me from this nightmare before fading into darkness. 

When I awoke this morning, it was to an empty hospital room. My father was long gone, having only left a single note behind that instructed me to 'behave or else' with a picture of my grandpapa and grandmama's bungalow in the countryside. By the time Alejandro strolled into the room with two bulky guards, all of the color had already drained from my face. I stood up in a daze and silently followed them out of the hospital. 

"Excuse me, Sir? May I please borrow your phone?" I tried to hide the desperateness in my tone of voice and gave Alejandro a small smile as he looked at me in surprise through the rearview mirror. The two guards were following us in another car behind. 

"Sir? What happened to addressing me as your husband's slave or was it 'bitch' that you usually called me?" Alejandro scoffed aloud and accelerated on the road. I flinched at his cold words before softly speaking to him again. 

"I...I am not sure how I spoke to you in the past. In fact, I don't really remember anything but I know that is no excuse. If I ever made you feel less than a human and degraded you in the past, I am very sorry, Sir. No one deserves to be treated in such a way, I am truly sorry. I hope you will be able to forgive me in the future," I began to apologize earnestly and offered him a genuine smile when he gaped at me in shock and almost crashed into the car in front of us at the red light. 

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