Chapter Six- She Wears her Loneliness like a Crown

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The sunlight poured through the windows as I blinked my eyes open. I managed to sit up in bed, bringing my legs close to my chest. Cole lay asleep beside me, Devin sprawled on the far side of him, head propped up on his leg. A small flicker of hope sparked in my chest as I played with his hair absentmindedly as he slept.

My mind whirled and spun with all the worst case scenarios for me. For moments, I was lost in my head, thoughts consuming me.

I snapped back to reality as Cole awoke, sitting up and pulling me close. He murmured a good morning into my thin hair and pressed a kiss to my forehead. After grumbling a response, I slid from the bed and wobbled to our kitchen.

A sea of flowers in vases covered our table, some adorned with notes while others held balloons. Devin pranced in beside Cole, who helped himself to coffee as I skimmed through cards left for me. I pulled them from their places in the flowers and sat on the floor, reading each note.

Most came from fans who had heard about my cancer and wanted to send their support. They held some of the kindest words I had ever heard which brought a smile to my face. After chomping on some kibble, Devin came and laid beside me, her head in my lap.

"She's been more needy ever since your diagnosis." Cole commented and slid down beside me, resting his chin on my shoulder and reading along.

"I don't mind." I flipped to another card and held it up for him to take as it was addressed to him rather than me.

"Ooo fanmail." He joked as he ripped open the card.

"Do you have any missions today?" I asked and leaned into him while he was still here with me.

"Uh... yeah. Later, I think," he replied as he read the note. A smile crept across his face and he turned to me. "Did you get any coffee?"

"It doesn't taste good." I whined and played with Devin's floppy ears.

"What? That's your favorite, the stuff Jay got us." I shrugged in response and sighed.

"That's a side effect, baby. Changes in taste preferences."

"Maybe now you'll like my cooking." Cole joked and wrapped me in a hug. "It'll all be okay. Promise."

I leaned my head against his and sighed. "What am I supposed to do while you and the guys are gone? Ms. Needy here is probably getting bored of me being home all of the time."

"Um... Sensei is staying back? You could hang out with him.." He proposed gently, knowing I'd rather be out with my team.

"I know I'm not an elemental master or whatever but I still feel left out."

He stood, pulling me up with him and sighed. "I know. I'm sorry. But, I've gotta go now. See you later."

I huffed and kissed him before he wandered off to get ready. "Pizza for dinner tonight?"

"Whatever you want, baby."

I stared at the checker pieces and frowned before picking one up and moving it. "You've gotten better at this, Sensei."

The old man chuckled and stroked his beard. "It seems I have. Either that, or you've gone soft."

"Never. I'm still going to beat you, of course." I countered and gave him a mock glare. Both our eyes widened as alarms blared and Nya's voice came through the speaker.

"Sensei? Come in, we need back up."

Wu turned to me with an apologetic look and sighed. "I am very sorry but it seems they need me."

I forced a smile and pushed back from the table. "Go on. I'll go visit my parents since it seems I've won anyways."

The smile returned to his face as he ran out the door and I wiped a stray tear from my face.

"Hey, Ma." I called and pulled open the door to my parents trailer. The small space was just as I remembered it: filled to the brim with things which only made it now cozy and welcoming.

"Oh hello, sweetie! We weren't expecting to see you today." My mom called from the kitchen and came to wrap me in a hug.

"Yeah, thought I'd come hang out since the team is out on a mission today."

"You're always welcome here, dear." She pushed me down into a chair and gave a smile before disappearing in the kitchen again.

"Thanks, Mom."

The guys chuckled and laughed as they walked back to the base together. Finally, they had made some progress with their mission and after a long day were headed home.

"Hey, Cole!" Lloyd called and ran to walk along side by master of earth. "How's, uh, she holding up?"

The chatter fell quiet as the rest of the team sidled up to Cole and Lloyd, eager to know and curious about their friend.

"Uh, she's holding up. Her whole positive outlook on this is fading a little."

Kai piped up, curious. "When does she go in for her next treatment?"

Cole fell silent and sighed before answering his friend. "Next week. Tuesday, I think."

Nya slipped between her brother and Cole, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You know we would understand if you chose to stay with her. We can hold down the fort without you."

"I know, it just... feels selfish."

"Selfish?" Jay questioned, exasperated. "I'd love to stay home with Y/n but I'm here, too." He grumbled and crosses his arms before Cole threw an arm around his shoulder.

"She would love your company, Jay. I just want to protect her by protecting Ninjago."

Zane butted in, lifting an eyebrow. "Even I do not see logic in this idea, Cole. She is your wife and you both have sworn to be there for each other no matter what. You must choose to honor that promise."

He sighed in response and nodded. "I'm just scared to lose her."

"We all are." Lloyd placed a hand on his arm. "But that doesn't mean you should leave her to fight this battle alone."

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