Chapter Two- Wash It Away Down the Kitchen Sink

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"Okay, can you hand me the wrench?" Cole was halfway under our sink, hand waving about, expecting me to hand him the wrench.

"Um, hold on." I sifted around in Jays tool box which we had stolen, uh borrowed, which was a mess. "Here you go." I handed him the tool and shook my head. "You know, I'm glad last day of the departed happened when it did so you could fix the sink."

"And do the dishes. You like making me do the dishes now that I can touch water again." He poked his head out and cast me a joking glare.

"Well if it hadn't happened, I would have had to do that and our laundry all by myself forever. That not very fun. Plus now I can push you into a pool sometime or other."

"Very funny."

It had been an eventful time during our engagement. Life settled down for a few months, before the Day of the Departed where Cole was turned back human after a tussle with a ghost named Yang. We had taken up residence in his old house, thanks to his donation after the whole ordeal. Cole and I had claimed the top floor since it was more of an apartment style with a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom, though most of the kitchen was out of order. We decided on still staying with the team so we could be of help when we were needed but still have some privacy of our own "house."

I laughed which quickly turned into a cough. I doubled over, coughing as Cole slid out and grabbed my hand to hold in his. "You alright?"

"I'm fine." I grumbled as I chugged the bottle of water he had left half empty earlier. "I must have some cold or something."

"Hmm, then I don't want that water bottle back." He joked and gave my hand a squeeze.

"Just fix this stupid sink already, smart guy." Another cough, and I pushed him back under the sink.

"Hey, look at that! We've got water!"

"Nice job, handy man." I bumped him with my hip and he laughed, pulling me close into his side.

"So we've got the gas stove working, the fridge is decent, and our sink runs."

"Heh. Better go catch it."

"Shut up." With the shake of my head, I smiled and went to open the fridge. "Lets get the ball rolling on dinner then, shall we?"

"How's the chicken going?" I cast a glance at my husband out of the corner of my eye and saw him flinch.

"Um, it's going wonderful...?" Cole cast me a pitiful smile and flipped the crispy chicken in the one of the five pans of things he had going.

Meanwhile, I stood chopping veggies and fruit to be thrown into a salad and the fruit over the pound cake I had just thrown in the oven. I made sure to curl my fingers in so I didn't cut them, as I had once before (treacherous onions!), and chopped the carrots into smaller pieces before throwing them into a bowl together. I sighed in frustration as Cole sauntered up behind me and stole a strawberry from my cutting board and popped it in his mouth.

"Watch it, I've got a knife. Don't make me chop of your fingers." I pointed at him with the knife and smiled which he returned.

"Why don't I finish up here and you can go set the table for the team?" He offer, sliding the knife out of my grasp.

I poked my lip out in a fake pout before pulling our hand me down dishes from the over the head cupboards. A menagerie of plates were in our collection, some from my parents, some from Coles dad, and a few really pretty ones from Nya as a wedding gift. I made sure to pull out the matching pretty ones and stacked a few glasses on top, holding them down with my chin. Shuffling my way to our dining table, I gently placed the pile down as my head suddenly went light. I rubbed my head with a hand and huffed in frustration. I must be getting some kind of cold. Good thing I washed my hands before making dinner.

"Check the chicken, babe." I called to Cole and smiled when I heard a soft "oh" come from the kitchen behind me. My head spun, and I closed my eyes tight before forcing them open and laying out plates, glasses, napkins, and with another trip to the kitchen, silverware.

"Okay, that's all set up..." I shuffled back into the kitchen and helped Cole plate the few dishes we had made all whilst leaning my weight into the counter. My legs shook underneath me, suddenly feeling like jello.

I shook my head and pushed the little intercom system Zane had installed last week so that we could be kept in the loop if something happened. "Soups on, lady and germs."

A few minutes later, the boys and Nya thundered up the stairs and offered smiles and hugs, even though they lived just below us. I attached myself to Cole, holding myself up by holding on to him. He noticed and cast me a worried look which I shook off with the shake of my head.

The day came crashing down on me as if I had been running from sunup to sundown with no break. I took ragged breaths in as everyone sat at their places at the table. My heart thundered in my chest, unsure of what was wrong with me, but I masked it with a smile as Cole and I excused ourselves to the kitchen.

I fumbled over my own feet as he practically carried me into the kitchen.

"Seriously, are you okay? Do you need to lay down or need some water or something? You're scaring me."

I shook my head and willed my body to obey my brain. "I'm fine. I must just be dehydrated."

He seemed uncertain, a worried gaze meeting mine. "Do you want to help carry something in or do you need to sit?"

I slid closer to the salad bowl, scooping it up in my arms. "I've got this." Taking deep breaths, I held the bowl close to me and pushed myself out the door to the kitchen.

I wobbled and felt the blood drain from my head in an instant, the world around me going fuzzy. Everything was blurry and I couldn't get my legs to move right or at all, even.

"Hey, Y/n... you okay...?" Jays voice grew quieter and farther away the more he said as my legs gave out underneath me and everything went black.

Adoration: [Cole X Reader 3]Where stories live. Discover now