Chapter One- Still You Want Me

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"Uh okay..." Jay shuffled his feet and his face paled when his cards scattered to the floor. "Shoot." Reaching down time gather them, then standing again, he smacked his head on the mic. I chuckled and caught his eye and winked.

He took a deep breath in, then out. A clear of his throat and he began. "Today, we're here to celebrate. Celebrate the marriage of my sister to my best friend." Cole squeezed me close to his side and I smiled for the 8 millionth time that night. "Little sis, I want you to know how proud I am of you. Everyday, you stand up to what the world throws at you with such strength that I'm even jealous of." Jay smiled a toothy grin at me. "You're willing to give up anything for others, even your life. With that kind of love, you could move mountains. Cole," he turned to meet his eyes, "you've been blessed by my sister and you've been more than a blessing to her. You love unconditionally and despite me being her brother you still love her." Everyone chuckled as Jay cracked a grin. "To the both of you: I wish you long love, patience when things are stretched thin, and most of all, perseverance and forgiveness when the other doesn't deserve it. To Mr. and Mrs. Brookstone." He raised his glass and the rest followed suite.

I pulled my dress up and walked over to my dad, who held out his hand. My father was a man of many words and it was hard to get him to shut up, just like Jay. I took his hand and he pulled me into our dance. "Mom hasn't stopped crying since she got here this morning." I commented in a soft whisper as he spun us around the dance floor.

"Oh you know your mother, so sentimental."

"Dad I saw you crying earlier too, don't try to be sneaky."

"Oh gosh, oh golly. Well, I guess I did, huh?"

I chuckled and nodded, rolling my eyes at him. "You can't hide anything from me."

"Hey, well now that you're all old and married and such, you and Cole should come visit your Mom and I some more, yeah?"

I laughed and nodded. "Of course, Pa. Jay can come, too."

I stood off to the side, watching the group of boys challenge each other to a dance battle on the floor, Cole showing all the others up. Nya came to stand beside me and elbowed me. "You're staring."

"I'm allowed to, he's my husband."

She laughed, throwing her head back and pulled me into the floor. "Come on, let's show them how to do it."

I yawned and leaned onto Coles shoulder. "This getting married stuff is tiring."

"Hey, I'm not that boring, am I?"

A chuckle and I looked to meet his eyes. "Never."

I slipped out of bed, months later, pressing a kiss to my husbands forehead and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Devin stretched and yawned from her place on the foot of our bed. I smiled at her as she came to follow me, needy as ever. Morning rays came through the windows and I poured a cup of coffee for myself and left the pot on the warmer for whoever woke up next. Sliding to sit on the floor with my dog, I took a sip of the steaming drink in my hands. My eyes raised as Cole walked in, his hair a mess and still groggy. I cast him as he made himself a mug of coffee and slid down to join me. "G'morning." He mumbled, rubbing his face with a hand.

"Good morning. I was thinking maybe today we could work on finishing our kitchenette upstairs on our floor? What do you think?" I leaned into his shoulder as Devin plopped her front paws on his legs.

"Yeah, we should probably get that done."

"I mean, if we're not needed for anything else."

"Um, I don't think so. Plus, I'm sure they could handle it without us." He smiled and kissed my forehead, pulling me close to him.

"Mm then we-I could make dinner and have the team 'over' for dinner?"

"Hey, wait, why can't I help?"

"Baby, you can't cook!"

"Psh. I could cook anything."

"Sure, but how edible it is is the real question," Kai said as he waltzed in and stroked Devin's big floppy ears. Cole cast him a glare and he shrugged in response.

A sharp pain in my side made me flinch suddenly and I coughed which made my throat hurt.

"Did you inhale your coffee?" Cole quickly took my cup away from me and frowned. "You okay?"

Cough. "Yeah-" I coughed again, my side hurting. "I'm fine. Must have just drank it too fast." I cleared my throat and reached for my mug which he held away from me, teasingly.

"Hey, give that back!" I grumbled and reached across him to grab it as he held it out as far as his arm could reach.

"No you can't be trusted with it! You're like a toddler." Cole joked and snickered at me.

"Am not! Give it! I had it first!" I complained, playing along. "Kai, tell him!"

"Don't make me ground you two." He threatened with a laugh.

I gasped in defeat as Cole pulled me into him with an arm around my waist. "I just want my coffee."

"Fine, here, whiney-pants." I snatched the mug back as he pressed a kiss to my lips. "We have a kitchen to finish anyways."

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