Inside the castle

Sonic: "Wow" Sonic was amazed "This place is huge."

Tail: "And amazing." Tails was also amazed "This is amazing I never see any place like it."

Anna: "Well thank you." Anna Thanked them "Shall I ask the maids to prepare dinner?" Anna asked everyone

Sonic, Tails, Elsa, Kristoff, and Olaf: "Sure." They all said.

15 minutes has passed as everyone sat down as their plates are in front of them and they began eating. 

Elsa: "So can you tell us about yourself?" She asked curiously as takes another bite of her food.

Sonic: "Well." Sonic started first "We've been through a lot of adventures together throughout the years and most of them were insane, like you wouldn't believe what we've done. Sonic explained

This caught the others attention from there food.

Kristoff: "What kind of adventures." He asked "Can you tell us?" He asked

Sonic: "Sure." He answered "Well... there was this time I had to battle this evil genius named Dr. egg man from turning all the animals into a killing weapon against us and our friends." Sonic said to the others as they are shocked of what they heard.

Anna: "Oh my." She paused "What kind of sick man would do that to such innocent creatures."Anna said in sad tone.

Elsa: "I can't even think of anyone forcing animals in to something they don't want to be." She said.

Kristoff: "Let's talk about something else." He said to try and lighten the mood "What else adventures have you been in?" He said.

Sonic: "There was this one time I had to stop this monster from growing into his true form but then I had to battle him anyway, He was gigantic he was a water being monster you wouldn't believe it." Sonic explain as the story caught the others attention and they were glad to here more. "Every thing was flooded every building every street, everyone was panicking because they lost everything they loved, this monster was called Perfect Chaos, He has a long water tentacles that will wipe anything out in its way, he would fire it's Chaos blast and it couldn't be stopped." "It was all up to me I transform into my most powerful form thanks to my buddy Tails." Making Tails smiling back at Sonic. "I raced over the water and passed through the destroyed buildings and I raced inside the monster's body and defeated him."

Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf were amazed how one blue hedgehog can be more than a animal he's a hero.

Elsa: "Amazing." She said.

Anna: "I highly agree." She said to Elsa.

Kristoff: I'm with ya, you're kinda cool Sonic." Kristoff complimented Sonic.

Sonic: "Hey." Sonic started "Don't forget about my buddy Tails, he can build anything, right buddy?" He patted his back.

Tails: "It's true I can build and upgrade anything and fly." He explained to them.

Anna: "Oh." Anna was surprised "Will you please show us some day?" She asked the fox.

Tails: "Actually I can fly right now." He then got up from his seat and used his two Tails to fly up to the Ceiling. "See?"

Olaf: "Wow." Olaf was amazed "I didn't know a fox has two tails and can fly." Olaf then clapped his hands while cheering for Tails.

Anna: "How is that even possible?" She asked

Tails: "He-he." He giggled "I was born with two tails, trained myself to fly when I was little." He explained to the Queen.

Anna: "Must've took you out of practice to fly." She told him.

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