I looked around and thought about how my life is about to change drastically. A baby is literally growing inside of me. I didn't think I would be having a child this early.

" Hi I'm Dr.Nettles, and you are A'Zharia right? " The doctor came in, smiling at me.

" Yes ma'am. " I smiled as she shook my hand.

" Okay so you know for sure you're pregnant. " She said looking at my chart.

" Let's take a blood test anyway, that's cool? " I nodded.

She got a butterfly needle and sole gloves out to get my blood. Once she got the tube I looked away.

" Shots fear? " She laughed.

" Every since I was little. " I laughed looking at the wall.

" Quick and easy. "'She said sticking me in my arm. I jumped at the little bit of pain.

" Alright. This shouldn't take no more than five minutes. " She told as she gave me a bandaid. She walked out with my blood and I sighed in relief.

I don't know what I was being relieved from. I guess this is a lot for me to grasp right now. A few minutes later the doctor came back in.

" Alrighty you are in deed pregnant and now I just want to take a look at the baby. Make sure everything is alright. " Dr.Nettles smiled at me.

" Okay. " I told her as I laid back.

" Just lift up your shirt. The gel is gonna be cold. " She warned me. I shivered as she placed the gel on my stomach.

" Where's daddy? " She asked me.

" He had to work. " I lied.

" Oh I know he's happy right? "

" Yes ma'am. " I laughed a bit.

" Well there's the little baby righg there. My report says you're seven weeks which is almost two months. "

I looked confused as ever. This whole time I been chilling with Nau'Jour and shit my ass been knocked up.

She wiped my stomach off anf began to inform me on what I should start doing.

" Here's the vitamins you take everyday and eat healthy. Not saying you can't eat what you want, but still try to eat healthy. " She told me. I nodded and took the vitamins from her.

" You can set an appointment for next month if you'd like or wait until the fourth month mark to find out the gender as well. "

" Alright thank you so much. " I told her as I got ready to go.

" You're welcome love. "

I headed towards the receptionist desk to set an appointment for next month. Afterwards it was only 3 o'clock going on four.

I decided to get something else to eat and chill to kill time until Nau'Jour comes over.

A couple of hours later....

I heard a couple knocks at the door making me jump up to open it. I looked out the peephole and saw Nau'Jour.

" Hi. " I spoke as I stepped towards the side and let him in.

" Wassup. " He said walking into the living room. I locked the door behind him and followed. Before he sat down he hugged me tightly before sighing and letting go.

" Sooooo... " I dragged sitting on the couch in front of him.

" I didn't do it. She set me up. She justvmad because I'm with you and not her. " Nau'Jour explained. I didn't even notice how stressed he looked.

" Why would she do that? "

He shrugged. " The bitch crazy. I really miss you and wish you would've at least heard me out at first. "

" Well what did you expect me to do? I was confused. I never dealt with relationship problems before. "

" I know but still man. What we finna do? " He asked looking dead at me.

" What you mean? "

" Our relationship is what I mean. "

" Can we just take things slowly again? " I asked him. He nodded and got up and sat by me.

I wiggled a bit at how close he got before I cleared my thoart to talk.

" I'm pregnant. " I blurted out and looked the over way.

" Yo what? " Nau'Jour laughed at bit.

" You heard me. "

He grabbed my face and looked me dead in the eyes. " Say sike right now. " I laughed.

" Nigga this not a joke. " I said pulling the pictures I got today from underneath the pillow behind me.

" YOOOOOOOOOOOO! " Nau'Jour jumped up cheering.

" My son finna be too lit. "

" No my daughter. " I said snatching my pictures back from him.

" When you found out? "

" Same day yo girlfriend exposed you. "

" Haha you got jokes. " He said hoovering over me. He kissed me once. Then twice. Then a third time.

" I missed your touch. " He whispered in my ear. It sent chills down my spine.

" Too bad we aren't doing any of that. " I said pushing him up, making him smack his lips and sigh. I laughed as I went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

Trust is a hard thing to build back up.

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