Greetings Stranger

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Your doorbell rang, that must've been Izumi.

You ran over to your door and opened it to see your best friend. You haven't seen her in a few months and talked to her every once in a while on the phone. So seeing her was a shock, because she completely changed her appearance!

Her hair used to be long and black, but now its short and dyed orange, it looked nice though, and she styled it very well, as if it was complimenting her face.

She was holding her purse, her hands clasped around the handle, which made her long stiletto nails noticable, of which were also orange. She had some skin showing throughout her outfit but it wasn't all that too revealing. She must've changed a lot since you've last seen her, as she used to be more modest. But this new look made you admire her and her confidence.

"Hi Y/N!" She chirps.

"Hi Izumi! Come on in." You greet her, stepping to the side and gesturing for her to come in. She stepped inside. "I like what you've done to the place so far!" She comments.

She goes and sits on the couch. The one that took literal years to drag. You take a seat next to her and the both of you talked for a while. Gossiping, chatting, all the sorts. She was good company, and you did not reget inviting her over.

Suddenly, she speaks up. "Hey, you wanna go out and get some food? Don't worry about paying."

"Sounds good." You agreed. You couldn't pass up and offer like that, especially from a good friend.

So you both went outside. "Wanna walk?" You asked. Maybe you could get another conversation in by the time you get there.

"Sure." She replies. So you both get onto the sidewalk and went left. Passing by your neighbors house. You look upon it as you both walk by, admiring it. It was a beautiful villa, traditional in nature, and adorned with greenery. It was pleasing to the eyes, and you stare for a bit as you keep walking.

Then you saw him.

He had a calm expression, and an adequate posture that complimented his courteous attitude he seemed to be maintaining. He was a blond man, his light hair combed back except for a couple strands at the front that hung loose over the sides of his attractive and structured face. He had deep and calm ocean colored eyes that allured your own.

He was clothed in a lavender valentino business suit, underneath the jacket being a green striped button up. He lifted a sleeve slightly to look at his watch, fixed in that position for a bit. You assumed he was on his way to work. And based on his appearance and where he was standing in the driveway, he must've owned this house. Therefore meaning that he was-

"Is that your neighbor? Oh my god you should go say hi," Izumi whispers as she nudged you, giggling like a schoolgirl. "Really?" You asked. "Of course! Go on!" She laughed before pushing you slightly towards his direction. He seemed to notice the two of you just as she did that.

"Fine fine." You lightly jogged over to him. "Uhm... hi." You greeted him. God this was nervewracking.

He studied you as he spoke. "...Hello."

"I moved in next door yesterday. I just wanted to say hi."

"Well then... Welcome to Morioh," he looks at his watch again, and looks back to you, "And it also seems I'm running late. I have to leave now, have a nice day."

He passes you, walking over to his car. "C...Can I atleast know your name?"

"Sorry, I'm running short on time, good day." He got in his car, starting it immediately and driving off.

Izumi stood next to you as the both of you watched him leave. "Wow, what a dickhead." She scoffs.

"Well we did just surprise him out of nowhere." You said. The both of you got back on the sidewalk, starting to walk again. "Still he could've just told you his name! He was really cute though.." She said. Though she was a good friend, she wasn't the brightest. You nudged her. "Maybe you might have a chance." You laughed.

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