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There was a large amount of chatter in the street, groups of people talking, answering their phone, etc. As Kira walks through the bustling street he strangely felt a little uncomfortable, not knowing why. He takes this way almost every day, why does it feel so different?

There was strangely a lot of women around Kira today, some of them looked at him, making flirty smirks and little hellos. It was as if a god above was testing his devotion and loyalty.

Intrusive thoughts barge their way into his mind, images their faces, begging for him to stop mentally torturing them, him forcing them on their knees and beg for forgiveness and redemption from him, who is oh so superior. As he passed, he wanted to kill them, straight up.

The urge slowly creeped up in his conscious. How satisfying it would be to take their hands, his heart absolutely ached for it. He tugs at the collar of his jacket, fidgeting to get his mind off of all this. Yoshikage usually thinks about his schedule and what he would do each day, but this time, it's different. Your face just constantly showed up in his head, smiling, happy with him. Letting him touch your hands.

Oh.... Your hands. At first, he didn't... care for them. But now, he desired to touch them, including yourself. He absolutely craved the feeling. They looked so perfect to him. His hand tightens against his bag handle as his heart beats faster thinking about you.

He was going crazy, and Kira still found shame in his mind, over one person.. He had never felt this way of course, in the longest time Yoshikage had just only had actual feelings for one person, yet now, its happening again.

Kira didn't want to kill you unless he had to, that was the case all those years ago, he had to win you over instead of letting his violent instincts take over his mind like last time. Kira sighs, finally at his car. He puts his hands on it, dropping his bag to the concrete ground. Thankfully nobody was here, considering he parked in a less popular area.

He finally made the huge sigh he was begging to let out. The thought of you was so lovely, yet so tiresome. Why? Why was the thought of your love so stressful?

Maybe it was because he didn't have you yet, he would have to earn you. He needed to prove he was the better one, that you would be perfect under his care. That's a workable solution indeed, to get you to love him. And forcing you to love him would take so long. He was a patient man, but not that patient.

Women liked him anyway, so it wouldn't be too hard to win your heart. And it wouldn't be too hard to seduce your mind into wanting to be in his arms.

He smirks and closes his eyes, taking in the fact of how easy this could be. He takes his hands off and picks up his bag. For now, he'll just have to go home and cook himself a nice simple dinner. It'll help with this stress. Later he'll think about it. Later.


You lay back in your bed. You had just moved it to the room you want your bedroom to be. Right now, your head rested against your pillow as your eyes scan along the ceiling. Ever since you've moved to this place, a feeling of unease met your body. It must've been that man that lives next to you.

What exactly was his deal? He seemed quiet and reserved, and that was fine. But he seemed off. Way off. The way he stared at you back in the restaurant was cold and dangerous. He seemed like he was holding in emotions as well, perhaps anger and distaste. Maybe you annoyed him too much the day you met him. You'd have to apologize for that to him, even if he was rude to you, you want to be on good terms with this man. Maybe it might benefit you in the future.

Then again, he might be ticked off because maybe he had a argument with his supposed girlfriend, maybe it was a hookup. You shouldn't think about that. It was his life, not yours. But it was weird, she didn't talk, she didn't say anything that day. Who could he have been possibly talking to? No matter. You'll make it up to him. For now you decided to just sleep.

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