Just A Little Visit

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He leads you along the hall and you both shortly reach the dining area. Most of the house had wooden flooring and it almost creaked each step you took. It only just added more to the eerie feeling. He slides open the door to the room and steps aside.

Looking in, you notice there was just a small table sat on the floor. Only fit for two people max in the middle of the room. It also looked like there was a door to a backyard, and it was open, letting the morning sunlight shine in.

It seemed that there was already food set on the side for himself. Untouched. You felt bad, he couldn't get through his breakfast without having to answer the door. "Please, sit." He gestures a hand towards the table, staring his eyes into your soul. You nod slightly and proceed into the room.

You sit down on a empty mat at the other side. He must've had guests often. "I'll get you some water." He then leaves without a word. Shortly, he comes back with a glass in his hand. Sitting down, he sets it in front of you and breathes in.

"Now I suppose we should give proper introductions first. My name is Yoshikage Kira, I am 29 years old and I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores."

"My name is Y/N L/N. I'm 24. Unfortunately I have yet to find a job. I'm thinking after this I could go find one.."

"Ah. I see." There was a moment of silence before he picked up his chopsticks. "Beautiful name by the way. It fits your face." He smiles before taking a bite of his food. "Oh thank you!" After he swallows, he speaks again. "Oh and please. Drink." He gestures towards the water in front of you.

Immediatly you do as he says. You both talk a little bit more, getting to know each other. He was actually a very polite man, and he made a good impression on you. A few minutes pass of talking until suddenly he spoke again. "I have about a few minutes until I have to leave."

He was looking at the watch he had on. "It looks like I have to hurry." He stands. "Here. I'll walk you out." Yoshikage holds his hand out towards you. Now you took a moment to take in his features. He was VERY attractive. You slowly put your hand up and into his. It was cold, but comforting and soft. He helps you up as you stared at his face with a mesmerized look.

You both let go, and Yoshikage starts to lead you towards the door. "I apologize for having to cut this little visit so short. But I'd appreciate if you can come over again."

"For sure, thank you." You smile.

"Good day." He opens the door for you and you wave goodbye as you walk out. Soon it shut.

He was so nice! And he didn't kill you! That was a lovely visit, all of your suspicions were wrong after all. Thank god for that! You walk out of the front yard and onto the sidewalk, gushing about this guy.

Next mission for today is finding a job.. somewhere.

Soon, you get into your car and drive around town, mind wandering. You couldn't stop thinking about him. He was just so charming. God it was so cheesy, two guys after you at once. It was like some romance story.

You physically cringe at the thought. Suddenly, out the window, you see a very large building, and on the front windows are multiple signs basically screaming that they need employees. You immediately park the car and rush outside. And in your mind, you were joyed. Not at the fact you have to work now god no, its the fact you found one at least.

You walk inside, and its huge. And quite busy too. There were a lot of people. And it seemed like a store. Seems easy enough right? You see multiple people in uniforms, seemingly the work uniform. Green vest, white shirt. One woman in particular whom of which had long amber hair seemed to also have this uniform, and she was talking to what looks like a costumer and helping them out.

After she was done talking to them, she turned to be met with your face. "I'm sorry to bother you. But do you work here?"

"Oh! Yes I do. Why?" She smiles kindly, placing her hands in front of her and clasping them together.

"I was wondering if you guys were hiring?"

"Oh yes right this way."

Soon enough, you had undergone a quick interview, questions were asked such as "Do you have any experience in retail?" And other questions similar to that.

And well, you apparently passed the test, because you got the job. And you started on monday next week.


You wake up startled, sweat dripping down your face and a thumping heart in your chest. You just had a nightmare. You forgot what it was about. But from what you recall, you were running from something, or rather someone. And smoke was all around you and you felt the grabbing of hands on your body. That's at least, of course, what you could recall.

It was 8 am, and work started soon. Fuck! You CANNOT be late on your first day could you?

Immediately you make haste to your morning routine, and slipping on the uniform they gave you. Of course it was the recognizable green vest and white shirt, but you also had the choice of a skirt or pants. And it worked well in your favor.

You basically fly out the door and into your car, speeding towards your new job.

Your job at Kame Yu Department Stores.

The name sounded familiar, but you forgot that your neighbor told you he worked there. And it was a big mistake for you to forget such a thing.

You rush in the door, going to the back and clocking in. Luckily you weren't late. The woman you talked to last week came in. "Oh good morning!" She chirps as she notices you. "I see you're here for your first day, and on time too." She walks up next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. She was getting a little touchy.

"I'll help you get the gist of work here. It's great! Don't worry, you just need to stack some shelves and help out costumers. No biggie. Other things will come later." She pat your shoulder before letting go. You say your thanks, and get to work.

Funnily enough you manage to actually do a decent job. Up until the middle of your shift was nearing. You were stacking some of the empty shelves, kneeled on the floor and opening some boxes.

Suddenly you heard some footsteps behind you, at first you didn't think anything of it. But then you heard that familiar voice.

"Y/N?" Spoke Yoshikage.

You practically froze in your spot, sweat starting to drip down your forehead. For some reason his unexpected presence filled you with some sort of paralyzing fear. You finally turn your head towards him, and he looked friendly of course, but it felt as if he was staring daggers into you.

"You work here?" He spoke as you slowly stood to face him. "Yeah.. I just started today." He looks off into the distance, his mind seeming to wander. "Hm. How coincidental." He looks into your eyes, basically tearing at your soul. "I work here too. How funny." He had a small smile on his face, something you didn't usually see.

"Oh really?"

"Have you forgotten? Just last week when you visited my house I told you that." He seemed to have gotten a little offended you didn't remember what he said. Maybe a little upset even, but he could be hiding it.

"Apologies." You slightly bow.

"It's forgiven. We've only have just gotten to know each other after all. I wouldn't blame you." He gives a soft smile. There was a sense of relief though that you weren't paying too much attention to him. Sure, he wanted it, but going unnoticed and forgotten about was also satisfactory. 

"I'll let you get back to your work. But if you need anything, I'll be upstairs in my office. I've recently gotten promoted to the more managerial side of things, you see." He suddenly stops himself from talking any further, realizing that he's speaking much more than usual.

Could he be comfortable around you..?

He clears his throat. "I'll see you later perhaps. Good luck on your first day." He scurries off. It was kinda cute, seeing him be more soft and warm. And hell, even a little nervous and embarrassed. Before, he was cold and distant. But now it seemed like you two were bordering friendship.

You'd forgotten about Tatsuo at this point, your eyes were focused on building a friendship with Yoshikage Kira now.

Maybe something more.

| Are You Scared? | Yandere! Yoshikage Kira x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin