The Date

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It was saturday, almost noon, and you were prepped and ready. Atleast you hoped you were. You take one last final look in the mirror before grabbing your bag. Suddenly you hear your doorbell ring throughout the house.

It must've been him! You rush to the door and open it, seeing him there with.. flowers!?

It wasn't a very big bouquet, and it actually was very pretty looking. Perfect. And there he stood with a white suit jacket on with black and white cuffs, and a dark undershirt. That paired with a sparkle in his eye and a soft smile. "Its a little much, I apologize." He chuckles.

Kira offers them, and you take them. You thank him immediately, and excuse yourself for a second to put them in a vase. And once you've come back he was still there, half-lidded eyes and a look to his face that would just make you die, he looked so good. "Are we ready to go?" He holds a hand out as you respond. "Yeah!"

He escorts you to his car, in which he opens the door for you. What a gentleman! His car smelled nice, like it was just sprayed minutes ago with some sort of air freshener. Though you could catch a slight hint of something, you didn't know what. But it might've been rotted food or something. His car was very clean inside though, so it could've been something else.

You didn't think too much on it. As he drove, he spoke to you. "I was thinking we could go for some lunch first. I know a place if thats fine with you." He continues after any sort of response from you, maybe it was a nod or words of confirmation. "And then some time in the park would sound nice. I go there often. Do you?"

He already knows about your endeavors there, but he wants to be safe in case he says anything contradicting in the future and using this conversation as an excuse. "Pretty frequently." You answer.

"And after that would dinner at my place suffice?"

"Oh Kira, thats simply too much.." In your head you were practically screaming yes. You almost shake in excitement for the day ahead of you. "You deserve some spoiling. After all, it must've been so tiring moving in all by yourself.."

He was too good to be true.


The day went perfect. He got you food from St. Gentlemens, in which you found out it was one of his favorite spots. And at the park he kept you lured in, saying things that just made you fall for him even more.

And now you were back at his house, eating dinner directly made by him. And by god it was delicious. A man that can cook is definitely someone you wanna have. Or maybe.. you just want him?

He still had the cat he rescued, and the both of you talked about it for a bit. "You still have her?" You ask as she rubs against your leg.

"Yes. I'm trying to get in contact with some adoption centers. But unfortunately it seems they're full for the time being. What a waste." He seemed annoyed at the fact. "As long as shes in your care I'm sure she'll be fine until then!" You comment, picking up your chopsticks.

Kira caught a glimpse of that. The way your fingers wrap around them, holding them ever so delicately. He was concentrated on your hands and your hands only for that moment. He was salivating. "Erm.. Kira... are you okay?" Your voice suddenly snap him out of his thoughts.

"Ah... yes. I apologize. I couldn't help but notice how lovely your hands are." He felt his heart stop. He actually fucking said it! He blurted out some form of truth, and he feared he may regret it. "Oh-! Really? You think so?" It was a bit of a weird compliment, but nonetheless it flattered you.

"You wanna take a closer look?"


What did you just say??

"Sure." He simply replies. But in his filthy mind he was all over the place, he was going crazy. You reach your hands across the table. And he takes a hold of them. Good god. They felt like pure heaven. It was just his type. He couldn't exactly name it, but it was something about their shape, touch, movement, just everything. And it also all goes down to the exact details.

He felt a fire in his heart. One that had an intensity to it that he hadn't felt in the longest time. Absolutely stunning. Suddenly, you take your hands away. All he wanted to do at that second was take a grip of them and keep them in front of him, but alas he has to be careful. And you were too quick for him to do that anyway.

"Those are in very good condition. Pardon my words, but I think you should be a hand model, or something along the lines." He tries to keep his chit-chat normal and sane. And thankfully you were none the wiser. You thank him, accepting his compliments.

If only you had realized his ulterior motives before you deepened your relationship with him.

After this date, many more were to come, and at some points you even went over to his house for most of the day. As he did with yours. Hell he even helped you finish moving the last pieces of furniture inside, because he was such a nice guy. A nice man who treated you with respect and apologized for any minor inconvenience.

It was clear now, the two of you had been closer than ever before and he was as glad as he could ever be. It didn't help his thoughts, and it didn't help the growth of his nails. It just made his urges seep out more and more.

He refrained from taking more womens hands, although he gave in at some points, and he felt wrong for being on the prowl. It was like betraying you or cheating. Thankfully within a day or two of retrieving a new hand he'd "break it off" with them. You couldn't know all of this though, as said before, you trust him.

Other than Kira, you managed to make more friends, and got a couple babysitting gigs from Tomoko if she and her father were stuck at work. You were paid fairly for taking care of Josuke, and at some point, the money wasn't the first priority.

With your paycheck you always managed to get some little gifts for him, wether it be a stuffed animal, action figure or hell even a video game at some times. You were basically like a third caretaker to him. Josuke appreciated your hard work and always made sure to thank you. Even if he did act like a little shit sometimes you knew he still had a good heart. And you cared for him.

Its been a few months since your life started picking up with the Higashikatas and Yoshikage, and fall was overcoming this little town. You dressed warmer, as did all of the other folk. And the town quieted down when summer was clearly over, what with all the tourists gone and all. It was peaceful. Your life was peaceful.


Until it wasnt.


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