Such A Day

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"Finally!" You rejoiced at your progress. Your work was done, and your muscles were absolutely aching from moving all the furniture around. You needed rest, so you flopped down onto the fluffy sleeping bag you set out. You let out a loud muffled groan in satisfaction.

After a quite a few minutes of rest, you got off of your sleeping bag and stood. Break time was over, now what you needed to do was scope the town to see what you were getting yourself into.

After getting in your car you took a drive around the town and looking out the window, seeing all sorts of places you could stop to. After this drive, you stopped at a grassy area near a pond, once you got out of the car you looked around. It seemed to be a park.

The green trees ruffled in the breeze elegantly, as did the grass. It provided a calm feeling deep within your soul, it was almost tranquil. There was a walkway where people traversed, and on the sides they were hanging out in the nicely cut grass. You walked through on the concrete path, smiling and enjoying the view of this place. You walked up to the grass and sat down, breathing in and out in satisfaction-

A bouncy ball suddenly slammed into your arm at a fast speed, making it sore as you exclaimed in surprise and a little pain.

"I'm so sorry!" A kids voice cried out. You looked at the boy running towards you. He looked about twelve, and he had his hair styled in a pomp. You grabbed the ball and handed it back to him once he was within a foot of you. "Its alright." You accepted his apology. He was only a kid after all.

He smiled at you, a cute smile. You smiled back.

"Josuke!! Stop running off!! You're getting on my nerves!" A woman yelled, it must've been his mom. You look up to her as she caught up to her son. This woman, whom of which had short black hair, held a very stern facial expression on her face, giving the message that she was not messing around.

She grabbed his hand and walked off with him, almost ignoring your existence completely. The boy turned his head and smiled at you happily, waving his hand goodbye.

You sighed whilst smiling. Kids. You hoped he wouldn't get in trouble.

You lay your head against the nearest tree, a wave of peace washing over you once again. Some people looked at you while they were walking by, either from curiousity or from interest. Either way, you weren't bugged about it.

You decided to go home now, it was best. You walked to your car, reaching your hand for your pocket to grab your keys. But they weren't there.

You looked into the window of the car, no keys. You frantically looked in all the pockets on you, none. You were mentally screaming! No way you had lost your keys on your first day of being here!

"Excuse me. You need some help?"

You turned your head to the voice, there stood a attractive man with brown hair and brown eyes. You hesitated for a bit before speaking. "Yeah I lost my keys and I can't open my car," You replied.

"Well..." He held up your keys. "I found these near a tree."

You took them. "Thank you so much! What's your name?" You ask.

"Kuramoto, Tatsuo Kuramoto. Your name?"

"Y/N L/N," You replied.

"It was nice meeting you. Have a safe drive." He smiled as he walks away, a hand in his pocket and the other waving at you.

You then got in your car, sighing. It was a long day and you were tired. You rested your head against the headrest for a bit before hearing a ring come from your cellphone.

You picked it up without looking at the number. "Hello?" "Heyy! Y/N! Its me, Izumi!" A female voice came from the other side. You recognized her voice, she was a childhood friend of yours.

"Oh! Izumi! Hi!" You replied, jolting up from your position in excitement at your friends voice.

"I heard you moved out of the city, where'd you run off to?" Izumi questions.

"I think it's called Morioh." You answered. "Ooh! I heard a lot of people go there for summer. Sorta like a tourist trap." She states.

"It's that popular?" You asked.

"Oh of course. But I haven't been there in my life." Izumi says. "Oh! Idea! Maybe I can drive over there and we can hang out? You could show me around!" She suggests.

"Sounds great." You laugh.

"Amazing! I'll see you tomorrow."

After saying your goodbyes you put your phone down and start driving back home. You looked at a few places as you pass by them, considering visiting them.

You then went back to your house, stopping the car and getting out. It was about 7:50, and you wanted to turn in. You then heard another car arriving in the driveway next door. It must've been your neighbor.

You heard indistinct speaking. You didn't want to interfere with someone elses business, but you did it anyway. So you went close to the wall, listening. You heard a conversation. Well, not much of a conversation really. because only a man spoke, but it seemed like he was talking to a woman with the way his voice sounded.

It was weird to listen to honestly, so you stopped and went inside your house. You rested on your sleeping bag, closing your eyes and looking forward to the next day.

And you did, not thinking about the man you heard at the house next to yours, not knowing what type of person he was.

And what else you didn't know about that man was that you were listening in on a serial killer talking to a pale and non living hand as if it were a person.

You couldn't have been any more oblivious about it.

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