13 : Hate

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A/N : Requested by @AradhanaVanAssche 

13 - Hate   


You and Ryland had been hanging out in the park. After Ryland played football with his brothers, you and him had a picnic lunch together. But something just seemed off with him today.

"Ry?" You ask.


"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know. You just seem kind of quiet today."

"Oh... I just have a lot on my mind lately..."

"Oh? About what?"

"Well... I was just reading some comments lately on the tour pictures everyone's been posting... And there were a few people wondering why I went on tour with them since I'm not in the band. And I guess everyone is just making me feel not important since I'm not in the band."

"Ry... You do so much for the band. You know that. Don't listen to the hate commenters. I'm glad you're not in the band. You have more time to spend with me."

You kiss him sweetly on the lips.

"Thanks," Ryland says, smiling.


"Can I ask you about something?" Ross asks.

"Of course," you say, looking up at him.

You were both sitting on his bedroom floor because he had been playing you some new songs and working on new lyrics.

"But you have to be honest with me. Promise?" Ross asks.

"I promise."

"So... You know how I'm filming that movie right now?"


"Well... There's just been a lot of people saying I'm not right for the role. And I don't know if they're just haters or if I'm really not right for the role."

"Ross. They picked you for a reason. Didn't you say there were like a ton of people who auditioned for it?"


"Well they picked you. If you weren't right for the role, they wouldn't have picked you. They're just being haters. The best thing you can do is do your best and prove to them when the movie comes out that you were the right person for it."

"Ok. Thanks," he says, smiling.

"You're welcome."


You were going to see Rocky one last time before he left for tour. You were expecting him to be really excited, but he was actually the opposite.

"I thought you'd be freaking out right now," you say.

"I guess I'm just feeling... weird about tour..." Rocky says.

You take his hand and pull him outside. You both sit down on his front steps.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"It's just... Sometimes I get worried people won't like our songs. And since I worked on a lot of the songs we're going to perform, if people don't like it, it kind of falls on me. I don't want to be the reason we get hate comments or less people coming to our shows."

"Rocky, if people don't want to listen to the songs you wrote, that's their loss. And everyone gets hate. But it just means they're jealous."

"But what if people don't like it?"

"I seriously doubt they won't like it. But if you get any hate, you let me know, and I'll defend you, ok? That's my job as your girlfriend, after all."

"Ok. Thanks," he says, hugging you.

A/N : I don't know if I should include Ellington in these anymore. I just feel kind of weird about it considering everything that has happened. Let me know in the comments if I should skip Ellington or continue to put him in.


You went over to the Lynch's house to hang out with Riker. But when Rydel opened the door, she said he was having a rough day, which made you worried.

You went up to his room and found him crying silently on his bed.

"Rik, what's wrong? Rydel said you were having a bad day."

"I've just been getting so many hate comments lately. And we're about to go on tour, and I'm sure I'll get even more."

"Aw, Riker... I'm sorry. But you shouldn't be letting the comments get to you. You know there's always going to be haters, right?"

"Yeah, I know. There's just been a lot lately."

"I'm sorry, Riker."

You sit down beside him and pull him into a hug. 

"I just don't understand why people have to be so mean."

"They're just jealous, Riker. You can't let it get to you because then the haters win. You need to brush it off and not care."

"I know. I usually do. But it's just been hard lately."

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

"I just want to cuddle and watch a movie."

"Ok. We can do that, Rik."

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