12 - Crutches/Sling

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A/N : Requested by @alldancer123 

12 - Crutches/Sling



You were at a football game with the Lynch's and their girlfriends. You and their girlfriends were just watching from the bleachers, but it was nice to have some girl time. After the game everyone was planning on going out to a restaurant together.

All of a sudden, you notice everyone crowding around your boyfriend, Ryland. He was sitting in the grass. Something seems wrong.

You get up and run out onto the field. Ryland is clutching his ankle.

"What happened?" You ask.

"Ross tripped him," Rocky says.

"My dad is bringing him crutches and he's going to wrap his ankle when he gets here," Riker says.

You sit beside Ryland and start rubbing circles into his back. You can tell his ankle really hurts.

Finally Mr.Lynch gets here and wraps Ryland's ankle.

"When we get home, I want you to rest. Only get up if you really need to, and if you get up, use your crutches," Mr.Lynch says.

"What about dinner? I'm starving!" Ryland says.

"Do you really feel ok enough to go out to dinner?" Mr.Lynch asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just need to stay off of my ankle for a few days."

"Ok. But be careful."

You help Ryland up and walk beside him to the car. He's a bit slow because of his crutches, but you know he'll be ok.

You get in the back of Riker's car with Ryland.

"I'll help you until you get better, ok? Anything you need, just let me know," You tell him.

"Thanks," he says, kissing your cheek.


Ross invited you to come to an R5 concert tonight. But since you're his girlfriend, you got to come to soundcheck too.

You're standing on the side of the stage, kind of bored, listening to them all checking their mics and instruments. It's a bit of a process.

All of a sudden you hear a crash. You turn and see Ross on the floor, holding his guitar up with one hand.

You run over to him quickly.

"What happened?" You ask.

His bandmates gathered around him too.

"I tripped over a wire, but I made sure to save my guitar. My wrist really hurts though. The one I landed on."

"I'll go get dad," Rocky says, running off the stage.

Mr.Lynch comes walking over with Rocky about a minute later. After looking at Ross's wrist, he decided to take him to urgent care to make sure it wasn't too serious, just to be safe. And Ross wanted you to come.

There weren't too many people there, so he got a room quickly and was looked at by a doctor.

"Your arm should be in a sling for a week or two. Or until it's feeling better," the doctor says, after looking at his wrist and wrapping it.

"I have a concert tonight though. Can I take it off for an hour?" Ross asks.

"What instrument do you play?"

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