"Almost done," Elizabeth replied distractedly the same thing for the fourth time as well, while Madelyn continued to paint my nails with transparent nail paint. 

She asked if I wanted blue or silver which would match my earnings as well but I hated nail paints, for some unknown reasons.

The earnings were an intricately designed piece of jewelry- a peacock shaped body which was made of silver and adorned with diamonds and the feathers of the peacock was depicted by raindrop shaped blue sapphire stones. They looked extremely expensive and actually, the entire make overlooked too costly. But I knew, he was going to cut everything from my salary anyways. 

Waiting for so long, I suddenly had this urge to scratch my head roughly and destroy the hard labor of their ladies. Did you ever have that feeling? 

Maybe just I was weird. 

I heard Elizabeth talking in a hushed voice when my head was uncomfortably hanging in the air and I realized that I almost had a little nap. 

"Ma'am you should get going. Theo has called six times." Elizabeth replied in a panicked voice, though I helped me with my matching blue velvet heels with ankle strap.

"What's the time?" I asked groggily. 

"Already eight."

"Oh shit." Everything would have been ready and everybody would be waiting for me which means that I am going to be the center of attention. Fuck! 

Madelyn quickly sprayed jasmine perfume all over me like crazy and we all hurried out after I locked my house. 

They gave me a silver purse and I put my phone and keys in it. They went separately but not before saying that I looked fantastic. 

The drive to the hotel Millennium was short, I barely even remember it for I was suddenly feeling nervous and uncomfortable in this dress. It was something different from my regular costume and I had to carry myself with style and grace.

 Doing a little meditation for five minutes, even though we had arrived at the destination, I finally made inside the grand- but-too-showy for my taste type of hotel. 

There was a guy in a formal black tux waiting for me and he informed me to get to the fiftieth floor. Making it within the elevator I finally saw my final look in the mirrors which were coming all the four walls, which I had missed in a hurry before. 

The girl who stood in front of me, looking into my eyes, wasn't me. The dress fit my body perfectly, accentuating the curves which I didn't know even existed. The cloth which was flooding in abundance before now curtained beautifully around my legs due to the heels. The royal blue color just shined perfectly contrasting my rose ivory shaded skin. 

There were no trace of makeup but when I stepped closer, I saw that it was a foundation which was exactly of my skin color but it just toned my skin. 

A slight blush, which appears so natural on my skin was applied. The bridge of my nose and my cheeks were highlighted, shining sliver under the light in the elevator, giving a professional and strong look. The earrings were big and shimmering under the light, reflecting their own hues.

And my hair made me feel like an ultimate goddess, a few loose tendrils which were strategically pulled out cascaded till the hollow of my neck in delicate curls, giving it a messy yet beautiful aura. The low neck bun was twisted and pinned so perfectly that if I started jumping like a monkey, it wouldn't bulge. I could even give it written. 

The elevation came to a halt, dragging me out of my trace. Giving a final look to my slender and fragile state I make it to the hall. 

The ceiling was high, too high casting a dome-like structure. The entire hall was kissed in golden, silver, and cream colors. Massive chandeliers were hung and there were beautiful statues placed randomly in the hall. 

I won't say it was flooded with people because I didn't look like it. Either just the close ones were invited or the hall was too big to settle in my head, hence confusing me. You tell which one. 

My eyes roamed around looking at no one in particular as my heart was fluttering deep within me. 

My eyes found a familiar pair of orbs and suddenly we were alone in the room. 


How was it?

A few ship names which came up were #Theolia #Aureo #Aurelio. If you end up finding another one, do let me know! 

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