24. I have a question

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She decided to go to the waterfall in his house to touch it just so he would know that she was awake before she ate breakfast. Sure enough there were soup on the stove. Chihiro drank some and felt a bit happy that he was not there yet, since she felt insecure about the dress.

She had some more time before their ''date'' so she decided to try and fix her hair. She wore her hair down on one side. Trying to look like she had put no effort into her look when she actually had.
About noon she decided to walk outside to wait for him there. She sat by his river enjoying the beauty. She saw that there were fish swimming inside the river, she had not seen that when she went for a swim with him the day before.

She was wearing the swimming wear Haku had given to her before underneath her dress so she would not have to change in front of him again.

After ten minutes she saw something large moving in the water and Haku walked out of it. He was a little to the left of where she was sitting and looking into the water. His green eyes widened as he saw her in something that was not her usual uniform.

''Good morning Haku'' Chihiro said still sitting by the riverbank. ''Are you ready to go?'' she looked at him he sure was a pleasant sight for the eye. With the water dripping down from his hair down to his muscular chest it made him look like a Shampoo model. No he actually looked better than any model ever could.

''Wow you look amazing'' He said. He could not keep his eyes away from her. ''The same'' Chihiro said smiling. She stood up so he could see her properly, his eyes widened even more. ''What kind of cloths is that?'' He asked. As Chihiro had thought they did not have dresses this styled in the spirit world. ''It is just a dress Haku, nothing special I usually wear this in the human world''.

Haku got a little irritated by that. He did not want her to walk around like that in front of unpredictable human boys, not even spirits. Male spirits would be going crazy if they saw her in such a short dress. How did he know? Because he was going crazy himself. He had to try to not look anywhere else than her top part if he wanted to keep it safe.

''Today is my day to ask questions'' He said as she he grabbed her hand she was reaching out to him. They started to walk along the riverbank.

''Your day? When is my day?'' She asked looked up at him from under her eyelashes. Haku swallowed hard trying to concentrated on anything but her beauty.

''You had your day as we were flying here, you asked so many questions that day'' he said with a smirk. He walked with his head held high, trying to look as proper as possible, deserving of her attention.

''Not fair!'' I would have asked different questions if I would have known!'' Chihiro said a little grumpy. ''You can have another day later again'' He said as he led her further into the cave. ''We have a lot of days in front of us after all'' He said smiling at her. Wishing that she would stay by him forever.

''Okay so what do you want to know?'' Chihiro asked as they walked holding hands. She was admiring the crystals in the cave and the beautiful handsome dragon by her side.

''When did you start playing the piano?'' He asked. Chihiro was surprised by his question, it was such a normal question which could have little to non interest for him. ''I started when i was ten, right after I moved city''. Chihiro answered. ''Do you like it?'' He asked, she could see the excitement in his eyes, water spirits sure loved music. ''I do really like music I started it when I did not remember the spirit world but when I got my memories back it helped me a lot''. She said thoughtfully. ''I never really liked to compete in it though, that was just an act for my parents. I want to enjoy music without feeling judged for making a small mistakes''. She said.

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