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That's it. I'm off the team. Nowhere to go. No back -up option. Thanks Summer. Unless... was Jude being serious when she said to join B-troupe? No, she can't have been. I can't go from being on a team going to Nationals to being on a recreational troupe. Why on earth would Jude suggest that? Oh my goodness, Jude. Her space buns, her eyes, her smile...


All of these concepts swarmed my head like a hive of bees to honey. B-troupe didn't know that I was no longer on A-troupe and considering joining their recreational team- if they were as good as Jude said. Except for Jude. The two of us had really hit it off lately. Wait, what? Anyways, I got ready to go to dance as Emily wanted to see me. But what did she want to see me for? Would A-troupe be there? What was I meant to wear? My dance clothes? Something casual? Or did Miss Emily consider this more a formal occasion? 

I decided to wear a baby pink polo shirt with some blue jeans and black leather boots. And no, that was not accompanied by a cowgirl hat. I thought I looked a little bit silly so I put on a pinstripe suit instead. It looked about Emily standard. I had to be extra careful not to spill coffee down it, but that wasn't much of a difficult task. I slung my dance bag over my shoulder and swiped my car keys off the counter in the kitchen before setting off on my 90 minute drive to the studio.


When I eventually made it to the building, I ran to Studio A and sure enough, A-troupe was there. I didn't know how to react to them so I just gave them an icy glare (which they all returned) and knocked on Emily's office.

"Miss Emily, you wanted to see me?"

"It's just Emily to you. Cleo, I have some news." She declared this with a softer voice than usual.

"Some news?"

"Cleo, I know how much you love this studio, but-"

"But what, Emily."

"Cleo, you can't dance here. You just can't."

"Then, why did you bring me 1 and a half hours away from home?"

"Well, I know that you love working with B-troupe and that when you grow older, you would love to become a choreographer so.."

 "No freaking way!"

"Yes freaking way! Cleo, you are officially B-troupe's new choreographer!"

"Oh my dance! Emily, I will not let you down!" I squealed as I hugged Emily.

"I know you won't. Now, let's discuss the basics. B-troupe have rehearsal 4 times a week. Each of them are 2 hours long. You will have a trial period. Let's say $250 a week. If you do well, I might let you teach some of J-troupe's classes as well as a raise. Oh and one more thing."

"Yes, anything Miss Emily, I mean, Emily, I mean boss, I mean-

"Emily's fine. Just don't ever wear that suit again. Come into work as a cowgirl for all I care."

I smiled. "Got it, Emily."

"Now B-troupe's next class starts in about an hour's time so I suggest getting used to your new job. First task: get me a scone and an Earl tea from The Next Steep. You have two minutes starting now!"

I got to the café and ordered exactly what Emily demanded.

"Emily, right," the barista chorused expectantly.


I returned to the studio and A-troupe were confused as to why I had returned.

"What are you doing here, Cleo?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, weren't you kicked off the team?" Richelle said, giving me a dirty look.

"And what's with the fancy outfit?" Kenzie inquired.

Emily heard all of the commotion coming from the studio so she shut down the dancer's thoughts by saying, "A-troupe, listen up. Cleo is B-troupe's new choreographer, and we were just discussing some business negotiations. Does anyone have a problem with that?

There was silence. "Good, didn't think so. Cleo, you have 58 minutes before B-troupe's next rehearsal. Do whatever you want. If you need me, I'll be in my office. A-troupe, from the top please." She said this before strutting back to the office, looking quite pleased with herself.

I decided to watch A-troupe's routine for a while, but there was something missing. I ran over the dance in my head, and then I finally figured it out. I resolved to speak to Emily about it. 


"Yes, Cleo."

"I have a suggestion for the group dance."

She smiled. "Sure, choreographer."

I giggled slightly. "I think that the dance needs a better storyline. If we're gonna win, we need to portray a story that has an impact. I suggest that if the dancers had a storyline that reflected our studio, then it would really improve the dance."

"Thanks Cleo. I'll consider it."

B-troupe started around 5 minutes so I went to Studio One. Today was a ballet class so I took to the ballet bar and started to dance. I didn't know what I was doing but it felt good. One by one, the room started to fill with dancers. They all stopped and stared as I unleashed a side to me that not even I had seen before. I was letting out all of this emotion through ballet, it was incredible. 

When I finished, everyone in the room clapped for me.

"That was incredible!"

"Are you joining our team?"

"We could use someone like you!"

"Haha, thanks guys, but no, I'm not joining your team." I smirked. Everyone's faces drooped. "I am here to announce that I am your new choreographer!" 

They all chanted loudly. "Cleo, Cleo, Cleo!"

"Ok class, I may be your friends, but I am also your leader. So I won't be cutting you guys any slack. Today is a ballet class so warm up and then we will begin."

 Everybody obediently warmed up and took their places at the ballet bar.

"First position, please... Izzy, turn out your legs... Jude, we are doing passé with our right foot... no, not that one... yep, like that." Jude was confused between her left and right, as usual. I hated calling her out on it, and seeing her happiness fade away, but it had to be done.

After rehearsal, I heard some muffled conversation between Izzy and Jude before Jude yelled:

"Fine! I have dyslexia! Ok! Is that what you wanted to hear?!" She ran out in tears. I couldn't bear to see her cry. I ran after her. I found her in the locker room.

"Cleo, I feel useless."

"Jude, you are not useless. You are anything but useless."

"So I am ugly, an idiot and incompetent?"

"No, Jude, that's not what I meant. You're a beautiful and independent young woman. And I love you for that." I couldn't believe what just came out of my mouth. Of course, I love her but she wasn't meant to know that.

"Really? Well, I love you too."

I wrapped my arms around her tightly. And I didn't ever want to let go.

A Day in the LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora