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Nick, you shouldn't own a dance studio. You should be in the UK cleaning and managing chandeliers. That's always been your dream. What has happened to you?


I woke up with a breakout of sweat. It was only a voice in my head, but it seemed so real. Either way, I knew it was true. Ever since I was a young boy, I had a passion for chandeliers (as stupid as that sounds). So why were things different now? What had I changed? I couldn't be thinking about these things. I had to care for my son who means the whole world to me. I never thought that I would be a single dad but it is what it is. Speaking of which, I went to his bedroom to wake him up for the day. 

"Heathcliff, you have dance rehearsal today. It's your first day on the team without being an alternate. Aren't you excited?" I whispered. After watching some YouTube videos, I have learnt a lot about parenting.

"Yeah Dad, I'm excited but also tired." Of course, the typical teenage behaviour strikes once again. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and played The Next Step theme song as loud as I can. Stand Up is the one song that I know can get Heath to wake up. He is a true A-trouper.

"Fine, Dad. I'll wake up now." he moaned, heaving himself out of bed before making it- clumsy style, of course.

"I'll be downstairs and ready to go!" I exclaimed, making my way down the stairs already.

"Mk," is all that he replied. Kids and their slang these days.


So, basically, I got to the studio and Embo was even more of a wrecking ball than usual. I didn't think to confront her- I already knew the consequences would be terrifying- but, I made a mental note to be extra careful around her. I got her some blueberry scones and an Earl tea from The Next Steep as usual, but it still didn't satisfy her. She left to go hold A-troupe rehearsal whilst I stayed in the office to fill out the registration forms for Dancemania. Embo is still against the idea because she has had her heart set on taking the team to Nationals ever since she injured her knee. Poor girl.

It was very clear that there was tension in the room between the dancers, and Embo noticed it too. I suggested icebreakers because that is how I was brought up. And guess what! Embo actually looked impressed with me! I know, such an achievement. We agreed to wait a few days to test the dancers' maturity levels. Hopefully this works.  

Amy decided to stay back after rehearsal to dance a beautiful solo. This is the kind of determination level A-troupe needs to be working at. The only person who does this at the moment is Richelle. I did tell Embo she would be the best choice for dance captain but she just went and did her own thing as usual. And now look what happened. Summer is off the team because she auditioned as a solo artist.

Embo was saying something to Amy but all I could hear was B-troupe, Nationals and soloist. I asked Embo what she said to Amy and all she said was 'you'll see'. I though about it before I finally realised that Emily had given Amy the opportunity to make Amy a featured dancer at Nationals. 


I got home and scrolled through my notifications. I discovered that Heathcliff and the boys were having a bro night, and that Emily was in the hospital after dancing on her knee. I grabbed my things, and ran to the Toronto General Hospital to find Emily. She had to be okay.


"Hello, I'm here to see Emily Raymond-Beaton please."

"And you are?"

"Nick, Nick Dobson."

"What relation to you have to Emily?"

"I am... um... Emily's boyfriend." I didn't care how many lies I had to tell, I just needed to see Emily.

"Go to ward 444. Here's a nurse to escort you," said the receptionist.

I got to ward 444 and busted the door open, only to reveal a sad-looking Emily. Neither of us had to say anything. We just looked into each others eyes and everything seemed to be okay. Until she looked away. And then looked back at me again.

I guess Embo and I will be alright after all.

A/N: I don't think this is what happens in a hospital, but the last time I went to one like this was when I was 5.

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