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Are you really gonna let a crush jeopardise your dancing career? Come Winnie, you're stronger than that. It's not like you're gonna be a teenager forever- you need to learn to be an independent woman. It's not like he likes you back anyways- he wants Richelle. 


This morning, I sleepwalked out of bed as I didn't want to come face to face with reality. I made my bed and kept my eyes closed on the way to the bathroom, until I bumped my nose into the doorframe. Then I realised that I had to keep my eyes open to avoid myself from getting as hurt physically as I was emotionally. 

I didn't know why I always felt so lonely. I had friends, I had Heathcliff and Izzy, but it seemed like they were falling in love with other, actually I knew that they were falling in love with each other- it was pretty obvious. But, I didn't want to be a third wheel.

I got to the kitchen table and then just zoned out for a minute. I didn't feel like having much breakfast, so I grabbed a granola bar from the sides and headed for the bus. When I got there, of course, the bus stop was closed. I guessed that I had to walk(or run) the whole way there.


When I finally arrived at the studio, I was breathless from the 40-minute run that I had just completed. Unfortunately, rehearsal was about to start so I didn't have any time to replenish my energy. I walked into Studio 1 and acted as if nothing had happened. I began to warm up and stretch with the others, before taking my place at the ballet bar. An A-trouper was leading the class so I had to impress. Ballet was my favourite class, this was something I couldn't screw up.

Luckily, that lesson was probably the only good thing about my day. My technique was flawless, and I was said to have put 'the B in B-troupe because that was the best performance of the day'. But I know that if Presley was there, the situation would be very different. After the B-troupe rehearsal, I made it out that I was leaving, but, actually, I rushed straight back into Studio One, right after Heath and Izzy's extremely long romantic moment (it would be rude to interrupt them, especially as they're so cute). I clicked on the song 'Emulation' and let the music take control.

I felt like the only unproblematic member of B-troupe, everyone had their own drama and cliques- and then there's me. I didn't seem to fit in anywhere on the team. Maybe I was the problem? Maybe I was the one who needed to make a change? I finished my solo in tears before running out. That could have been my last solo on the team. I thought that it could have been my last time dancing.


I thought that my dancing career was over forever, until Lucien came up to me. 

"What do you want?" I asked with a dull tone.

"Look, I'm going to get straight to the point, okay? "

"No, I think you're the one to needs to 'look' because I want nothing to do with you!" I shouted. Oh gosh, I must have sounded like a freaking lunatic.

"Not even a chance to compete at Dancemania?"

"Not even- wait, did you just say Dancemania?"

"Yup. I know all about B-troupe and how you feel that you don't belong. How sad! If you join my new team, you'll  fit in perfectly."

"It's very tempting but no thanks. I'm with The Next Step."

"Seriously? You're gonna turn down Dancemania for a team that you don't even belong in? What do they teach in those so-called schools?" Something about that sentence lit up a fire in me that I didn't even know could burn.

"Lucien, you may think that you're so smart but in reality, you're not. I know what you're up to. I know about Presley and Summer; I know about the hacking into Dancemania's documents; I know that in a few days, you're going to go back to messing with The Next Step: I know it all. But let me tell you something, you touch us and I will destroy you."

"Oh, because I'm so scared of a 16-year-old! Good luck, kid, you missed out on an incredible opportunity." He walked away.

I couldn't help but think that he was right. I did the right thing for my team, for my studio. But I don't even belong there, and Dancemania was an incredible opportunity. Maybe I should have listened to him.

A/N: Thank you so much for the support in the past few days- the love you guys have given me is unreal. I also wanted to thank you for 600 reads in one week! That is absolutely incredible! I also wanted to say sorry to every single one of you. I know that I haven't exactly been consistent lately, but I am constantly in online school- ask  @anticrackcrackhead or @Springdancer123. 

Hope to get better at this in future,


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