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"Michelle, I've missed you so much! I'm so glad that you're back!"

"Of course, I couldn't possibly abandon you or the team."

"Actually, I was thinking if you wanted to perhaps catch a movie this weekend and then maybe snuggle up at my place? I want to catch up on everything that I've missed."

"So, like a date?"

"Exactly like a date."

"Of course I'll go on a date with you, Em. I was going to ask but I was way too nervous. I thought you'd reject me."

"Well... don't be." I said before I kissed the corner of her mouth. She smiled. And there is nothing that I like more than to see Mich smile.


I woke up to the sound of a very familiar voice this morning. It was faint but comforting.

"Michelle?" I questioned, still half-asleep.

"Michelle? No Em, it's me, Riley. What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Slow down with the questions, Ri. I'm fine. I'm just a little bit tired, that's all."

"Really? Emily Raymond-Beaton, you are not fine!" The sudden change of tone in her voice scared me a little bit, but I could handle this.

"Riley, I can assure you, I'm fine. Just because I feel cool, calm and collected all at once, does not mean something's wrong with me."

"Of course not. In that case, explain to me how A-troupe rehearsals start in 30 minutes and you are lying on the bed like a couch potato." I gasped. "Come on, Em. The last time you were late to rehearsal was when we got Amanda kicked out of the studio to save our team for Nationals."

"Too bad the team won't get to go to Nationals this year. We've worked so hard." I said before I ran out of bed, swiftly changed into my best outfit to cover things up, ran a random hairbrush through my hair, grabbed my things and sprinted to my car. After a 15 minute drive to the studio, all of the dancers started eyeing me up and down. I knew that I had failed as a studio head. And it was all Michelle's fault. How does she continue to ruin this place when she's the one who bailed on us. Who bailed on me.

I could feel the tension in the room as the team danced- the feeling was back and stronger than ever, except this time, I didn't have my right hand woman to help me. I knew no one would say anything so I decided to speak to Nick about it. He suggested icebreakers, which was the best thing that he has said the whole time he had been here. I thought I would wait just a bit before we did them- just to see if the dancers are mature enough to sort out this mess between themselves.

After rehearsals, I could see Amy through the window practicing a beautiful solo. When she finished, I applauded her and then, I walked up to her and said, "You would have been the perfect fit for Miss National Soloist. In fact, Nick and I are trying to see if it is possible for B-troupe to go to Nationals instead. Would you like to maybe be the featured dancer?" Her whole face lit up at the word featured. But I knew it would be hard for her to abandon her team. I told her she had some time to think about it before walking back to the office. 

"What did you say to her?" Nick asked.

"You'll see," I replied in return.

Since I practically live at the studio, I finished up some things and left at around 10:45pm. When I arrived home, I saw a note lying on the kitchen table. It read:

Hi Em, 

It's Riley here. I know I usually tell you before I go

to James' house but I didn't want to bother you

after everything that has been going on in your 

life recently. Thought it would be better if I left a

note. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Lots of love,

Riley x.  

Something about the note really annoyed me. After everything that has been going on in your life. Nothing has been going on. Yes, I was late to one rehearsal, but I overslept. It happens to everyone. What makes it so important that my own sister can't even talk to me anymore? Sighing with frustration, I put on my old leotard and ballet shoes, went to the basement and began to dance to Selfish by Madison Beer.

It felt so good to be dancing out my emotions after so long: I've really missed it. I attempted a fan kick- only to find myself on the floor, surrounded by pain. I didn't think that my knee injury would affect me after so long. "HELP!!!" I screamed before I realised that no one can hear me. I called 911 and whilst I was waiting, I called Riley to let her know that I won't be coming home tonight.

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