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"You can't stay at The Next Step anymore, Presley. If they don't think that you're A-troupe material, then there is always a team that does."


I heard the footsteps leading up to my bedroom, getting increasingly louder each time. I knew my mother was coming so I hid under the duvet and buried myself in my thoughts.

"Sweetie, it's time to get up. It's 7:27!"

"Coming Mom!"

I moodily rolled out of bed as I thought about my nightmare. It was true. I couldn't stay at The Next Step if there was another team out there that appreciated what I could bring to the table. I had to quit.


I walked into Studio 1 for the last time and reflected on all the memories that I had had over the years. I had been here since baby ballet and saying goodbye was going to be difficult. But I needed to do what was best for me and for my future career. I decided that I needed to have one last dance.

I was about to click on the song but then Summer walked into the studio. What did she want? Wasn't she meant to be gone by now?

"Summer, what are you doing here? I thought that you left A-troupe."

"I did but I wanted to have one last dance before I left. And I couldn't bear to face Studio A after all of the bad things that have happened to me in there. Here is where Henry and I had our first date, where I got to compete my solo, where I met Thalia and her incredible team. And even though Henry and I are over, even though I lost at the competition and even though Jacquie and Richelle set me up, this studio is a part of who I am. And it always will be." Summer ranted, in tears after her emotional speech.

"Wow, I'm so sorry. Hey, how about we have our last dance together? Then, we can go on a walk to clear our heads and find out what's next for us." I offered. I had empathy for Summer- she gave up everything and more for the team, she didn't deserve this.

"Sure. I mean, it's not like I have any other choice."

And so we began to dance. Our minds were so in sync that it went from two solos to a powerful duet. We were both giving this dance our all and it really showed on the dance floor. We both hit our ending poses and went straight to our water bottles for energy.

"Summer, we make a really good pairing, don't you think?" I said.



"I'm sorry for telling you that you were slouching on your turns." she said, giggling.

"Summer, this is exactly why you weren't a good dance captain!" I exclaimed playfully. "You need to toughen up and grow some thicker skin!"

"Ok, ok!" she admitted, throwing her hands up in defeat. "I'll try to be more assertive... if that's ok with you."

"What I am going to do with you?! Let's go already!"

So we walked out of the studio hand in hand discussing all of our best memories at the studio, heading towards the park.


We were just walking, minding our own business until a familiar face showed up.

"Lucien! What in the heck are you doing here? Weren't you arrested?" Summer queries. She clearly knew more about Lucien than I did, so I let her take it from here.

"Ladies, just the two I was looking for."

"How did you find us?" I asked. So much for letting Summer take it from here.

"That doesn't matter. Anyways, I hear you two have no studio. Is that correct?"

"Yes," we both mumble guiltily.

"Look, ladies, I have a proposition for you. You guys want to go to Dancemania, right?"

"What's the catch?" Summer responds immediately.

"There is none. Join my team and I and we can start rehearsing right now."

Summer and I looked at each other with worry. To go against our former team at Dancemania would be low, but we had no other choice.

"We'll do it," we answered simultaneously.

"That's what I thought. Now let's go. You now belong to Electricity Dance Studio."


After meeting our new team, I was shocked. It turns out that Davis and Jacquie dance here. I'm happy to see them, I guess, but all of these people are coming back into my life and I don't know how to feel about it. Lucien has been messing with The Next Step ever since I moved up to J-troupe. And Davis and Jacquie just left without any explanation. But at the same time, so did we.

I didn't think things would be so relaxed at Electricity. I guess Lucien realised after Elite that being so tense isn't always the best idea. I really like my new team- even if we can't go to any Absolute Dance competitions because of what happened to Lucien at Internationals.

After rehearsals, I started to head on the bus home but then I saw Izzy. I knew what she wanted but I wasn't coming back.

"Izzy, I appreciate the fact that you came here, but I'm not coming back."

"Please Presley, don't you miss us?"

"Izzy, of course I miss you guys, but I have to do what's best for my dance career. And staying on B-troupe isn't it." I explained as I barged past my friend. I felt really guilty but I needed her to take a hint.


I got home and collapsed onto my bed. I thought about everything that happened today. It was insane. But how did Lucien know about Summer and I? How did he get into Dancemania if he didn't even audition? Something was not right here. And I was about to find out.

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