Chapter 33

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Days passed and everything went normal. Yoongi did look at Gyuri in a weird way the morning after she spent a night at Taehyung's place. She kept apologizing to him but he told her that it's not something that she should be apologized for.

"You're still my sister but remember, you are their Luna. You need to stand by his side. Be strong for him."

Yoongi reminded her this morning before she went to school with Samuel as usual. But nothing much changed her even after Taehyung marked her. She's still the same Min Gyuri with her phobia.

"Samuel, did you grow tired of me?" Gyuri asked him. "Ha?" Samuel stopped abruptly which made her bumped her face on his broad. "Why are you saying that out of the blue?" he turned to face her. "I don't know. You might want to leave me because I'm too clingy. I only cause you trouble. You are forced to be with me all the time because of this stupid phobia of mine." Gyuri said.

Samuel hold her shoulder, "Hey listen to me. I would never leave you, Gyuri. I don't mind you being clingy. You know I have no one else except for you and Yoongi hyung. I will do anything to stay with you guys. So don't say anything stupid like this again, do you get me?" Samuel looked into her eyes and she nodded. "Good, let's go. Your mate is waiting for you." Samuel patted her head.

Jimin and Jungkook bowed their head when they saw Gyuri and Samuel. "How a-are yo-you guys today?" she asked both of them. "We're great." Jungkook nodded with a smile. "Go on. We and Samuel are going to have lunch somewhere else nearby." Jimin told Gyuri. "Let's go Samuel." Jungkook called him and Samuel nodded before he went with Jungkook and Jimin.

Gyuri threw her gaze at a figure that was sitting on the bench, staring to the empty field. She made her way to him. Without saying anything, she sat right next to him. The two of them enjoy the comforting silence.

"Are y-you okay?" Gyuri asked him out of curiosity. He nodded silently. "Liar." She said. "Tell me." She added.

Taehyung sighed. "This morning... I have this feeling...a bad feeling to be exact. Something bad is going to happen soon but I don't know what it is."

Gyuri took his hand. "Whatever happen, I'm g-going to be with y-ou." "I know, kitten." Taehyung gave her his unusual weak smile as his hand cupped her cheek and randomly drew on her skin. "You know I love you right?" he looked into her eyes. "You know I wo-would say I k-now right?" she smiled at him.

Taehyung finally smiled. He pulled her closer to him, resting his forehead against hers. "Would you mind if I kiss you here and now?" "You know you do-don't need to a-ask me that af-after I give my-myself to you that night." Gyuri whispered back. Taehyung smiled before he lands his lips against her plump lips. Their lips stayed connected for a few moment before Gyuri pulled away. She looked at Taehyung. "I love you oppa, but my st-omach is gru-mbling."

Taehyung giggled.

Gyuri smiled as she looked at him. *that's it. You look good when you're smiling, my alpha.* she thought.

"Let's eat." Taehyung handed Gyuri her lunch box. The two of them were about to take the first bite when a loud shriek was heard followed by another scream. Gyuri and Taehyung looked up at each other. "What was that?" Taehyung asked. Soon the whole school was filled with shouting. Taehyung and Gyuri stood up. "Something i-is not right!" Gyuri said.

Jungkook ran towards them. "Alpha! Luna! The school got attack." He announced to them. "Wi-with what?" Gyuri looked freak out. "Rogue!" Jungkook answered them.

"What!" Taehyung and Gyuri were surprised. "Jimin hyung and Samuel already heading toward the school building." Taehyung looked at Gyuri, "Gyuri, call your brother to inform him this. Jungkook, keep Luna safe." Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded.

He was about to leave but Gyuri tugged onto his sleeve. "You're not leaving without me!" "You can't come with me, Gyuri!" Taehyung was fierce. "Thi-this is my school too! My te-teachers are here too! Besides, I'm the Luna. I sh-should fight with you." Gyuri pleaded.

Taehyung gritted his teeth. He wants her to be safe. But without her being right in front of him, he couldn't know if she's safe. She has to be with him. But the risk of her getting attack is high. *as long as she's in front of me!*

"One scratch on you, baby girl and you're staying with Jungkook. Do you hear me?" he looked at her and she nodded eagerly.

"Let's go!" the three of them ran towards the school building.

"Alpha Yoongi!" Samuel talked through the phone. "We got attack. The rogue attack the school!" Samuel told him through the phone before he threw a rogue out from the window. "What?!! Samuel, go to the broadcasting room. Our pack need to hear my order!" Yoongi said. "On my way. Jimin hyung, you stay here!" Samuel then ran away. "Yah, Samuel!!" Jimin shouted. He then pulled a student close to him before he kicked a rogue on its stomach. *why are they attacking us during the daylight?!* he thought.

"Attention to all wolf from Moonlit Howlers, this is alpha Yoongi speaking. Bring all students and teacher to safe place. Guard them well! I want no scratch on any of them! Shift if you must!"

The announcement echoed around the whole school. Some teachers and students started to shift. "Quick! Bring them to safety. Keep the rogue away from the human! Remember, Alpha Yoongi wants no scratches on them!" a wolf teacher said. "Nae ssem!" the students quickly went on the move.

Taehyung ran into the building and growled loudly. "Silver Canines, shift! Kill any rogue in sight!" he gave orders. "Sir!" the wolves from the Silver Canines nodded. More students and teachers shifted.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and Gyuri, "Gyuri, stay close to me. Jungkook, if I ever lose sight of her, it's your job to keep her safe, understood?!" "Yes, alpha!" Jungkook nodded. "Now, let's fight!" Taehyung walked through the hallway where some wolves were pinning down some rogue.

A figure hide nearby the school. "Hmmm...? The alpha still didn't make any move. Should we send more rogue, sir?" a guy turned around to face his leader. "Hmmm, sure. Do want you want." the leader said. The guy grabbed his phone. "Hey, send them in."

The leader smirked, "Let's see how long you can withstand the attack, pup."

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