Chapter 23

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Gyuri blushed hardly as she and Taehyung walked down the hallway. All eyes were on them when they saw Taehyung and her were holding hands.

"I thought they hate each other."

"Then explain that."

"I thought she's with Samuel."

"Oh no! Alpha Taehyung!"

"Damn it! I was about to confess to her!" "Man you blew your chance."

Taehyung kept a straight face despite the murmurs and talking around them. Gyuri looked at their intertwined hands. Taehyung was holding onto it tightly, showing no sign of letting go.

"Alpha..." she called him. "I didn't hear you." Taehyung didn't even look at her. She sighed, "Taehyung oppa." She called. Taehyung stopped walking at once. "Yes, love?"

Gasped were heard around them. "Are they in relationship?!" "Is this some kind of joke?" "Oh no, My Min Gyuri!"

Taehyung sighed, "Jungkook, Jimin." "Nae alpha." They both stood in front of him. "Clear things up here. Make sure they go to class in time. I need some time with her." Taehyung nodded at Gyuri. "Understood, alpha." With that, Jungkook and Jimin went away. "Let's go love."

"Taehyung oppa..." Gyuri called him as soon as they stepped out from the building. "Are you okay?" Taehyung asked her. She nodded eagerly. "I'm fine. But h-how about y-you? I're an alpha. I'm just an alpha sister. I might r-ruin your reputation."

Taehyung laced his fingers with hers, "Kitten, there's no such reputation. That's not important to me." He looked into her eyes. "Anyway, I have something to give you earlier but seems like it's not the best thing to give it to you at the hallway." Taehyung sneaked his hand into his inner pocket of his school blazer.

"Here." He handed her an envelope.

"What's this?" she asked him as she took it from his hand. "Read it." Taehyung urged her.

She opened the envelope and read the content that was written on a paper. Her eyes widened is surprise. "Your birthday?"

Taehyung rubbed his nape, "It's tomorrow, actually. But I couldn't just held a party during the school days right? So yes, this weekend...and I would love if you could make it there."

"I'll be there." She said. "You will?" his eyes sparkled. She nodded, "I'll come with Yo-Yoongi oppa if you don't m-mind." She looked at him.

"Of course. Here is Yoongi hyung's invitation. Can you give it to him? Or should I give it to him directly? I should do that, should I?" Taehyung asked.

Gyuri giggled, "It's okay. I'll g-give it t-to him." "Thanks." Taehyung gave another envelope to her. "Oh before I forget. On that day, I will introduce you to everyone in pack, including my mother." Taehyung said to her.

"Wh-What? B-but isn't too early?" she looked flustered. "We're mate after all. Whatever it is, you're going to be my wife." Taehyung smiled.

Gyuri blushed hardly. "W-Wife?" "Why? Don't you like it?" Taehyung looked at her in puzzle. "N-No. It's not t-that. It's just...t-too early." Gyuri stuttered. "Okay, what if I just introduce you to my mother? My pack don't have to know, if you don't want that yet." Taehyung asked her.

She gave a small nod. "That wou-would be okay w-with me." "Great! I can't wait for you to meet her." Taehyung smiled widely and Gyuri just give a slight nod. "Class is starting soon. Come, I'll walk you to your class." Taehyung held his hand out to her and she took it with a small smile.

Yoongi read the invitation. "This weekend?" "Can we go?" Gyuri asked him. "I'm not sure if I can make it. But you should go for sure." Yoongi told her. "Auw, but I want you to come with me. I'm not familiar with other's pack. Can you please clear your schedule oppa? Please?" Gyuri pleaded. Yoongi looked at her. "Do me an aegyo." Yoongi said. Gyuri sighed.

She pouted, "Oppa, can you go with Gyuri?" she did aegyo to him before she looked at him with her normal face. "Now can you go?" Gyuri asked. "Hmmm...that's not the best aegyo you have. Should you do another one?" Yoongi looked at her teasingly. "Yoongi oppa!" Gyuri scowled. Yoongi laughed, "You look cute, Gyuri. I will try to clear things before this weekend so we can go there together." Yoongi told her. She smiled widely at him, "Thank you oppa! You're the best!" "I know. Now why don't you leave with Reiri?" Yoongi looked at her.

She frowned, "Reiri? Where to?" "You should go to the town and find him a present." Yoongi said. "But I don't know what he likes." Gyuri looked concern. "Don't worry. Just get him anything. I'm sure he'll keep it." Yoongi said. Gyuri nodded. "Okay. I'll be back soon." Gyuri ran out from Yoongi's room.

Reiri walked next to Gyuri. Because of last experience, they brought another two male guards with them. They were walking quite a distance from them. They walked into a café to get a drink first, and some cookies.

Reiri looked at Gyuri, "So have you decide what to buy for him?" she asked her. Gyuri shook her head. "I have no idea." "From his appearance, do you think you can get something for him? Neck tie perhaps?" Reiri suggested. "I'm not sure about that. I mean, he might look good with ties but I rarely see he wears one at school. He always let his shirt unbutton." Gyuri told Reiri.

"Hmm, I'm not good with men. I'm not sure if I can be a help." Reiri said. Gyuri smiled. "It's okay." "What present you got for Alpha Yoongi's birthday?" Reiri asked. Gyuri tapped her chin. "Let's see...Neck tie, rings, bracelet, t-shirt, earrings-" Gyuri then looked at Reiri. "That's it, Reiri!" Gyuri smiled. "What?" Reiri looked at her in surprise. "He always wear this dangling type of earrings. Maybe I can get him of that." Gyuri said. Reiri smiled, "To the jewelry shop then."

Inside the store, Reiri let Gyuri walked around as she looks for the one that she wants to give to Taehyung. Reiri make sure that no men stay close to her. Gyuri's eyes did leave the display rack. *gosh! I don't know which one would suit him. I don't know what design he likes.* she looked around before a pair of earrings caught her attention. She turned around and called for Reiri. "What do you think about this?" she asked Reiri. "I say it would looks good on him." Reiri smiled. "Really?" Gyuri asked. Reiri nodded. "I would buy it for myself if you don't want to give him." Reiri joked. "No, you can't! I'll get one for you but please spare this one." Gyuri pleaded.

Reiri laughed, "I was just joking, Gyuri. I'll get you those. Excuse me!" Reiri called for the staff.

Back in her room, Gyuri kept staring at the tiny box on her table. "Will he like it?" she was concern. She sighed before she walked to her bed and threw herself on it. Her hands grabbed onto Taehyung hoodie. Since Taehyung let her keep his hoodie, she's been having it with her every night. The scent of him on the hoodie was so strong that she don't want to wash it. She would sniff his scent and hug the hoodie every night before going to sleep.

*I can't wait to see you tomorrow, Taehyung oppa.* she smiled to herself before she finally fall asleep.

Author's note : So i decided to speed up the update.  There are still few things that i want to change from the original storyline. but i will update. hopefully once in 3-4 days. 

Stay safe everyone!

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