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Fans of Aliens and Readers on Earth!!
I come in Peace!!
Would you like to be my Friend??


Take me to your Leader!!
Right NOW!!
This means WAR!!
Destroy all Humans!! 🛸
(Whoa there, Crypto!! Stop right that!! Which Galaxy did you even come from?? You're not supposed to be in this Universe!! Shoo!!)


Now then..........
WELCOME, my Symbies!! 🤗


Another MONSTROUS Story!! 😈

As well as being VERY GRUESOME and BLOODY People!!

Because it's ALIENS of course!!

NOT some silly Fairytale about Xenomorphs being all sparkly and running with Unicorns!! 🦄
(Although it WOULD be a funny sight to see..........)

It's going to contain HORRIFIC DEATHS and NAUGHTY WORDS!! 🤭

A VERY DARK Book indeed!!

So if you're not comfortable with those or not into reading such STEAMY Goodness between a Human and a Xenomorph (Which so happens to be quite an amount of them) just find the Exit RIGHT NOW and get your ass out of here!!

It's as simple as that, People!!

NO need to express how much you find this Story sick and the Writer twisted!!
NOBODY is making you read this!!
And I'm sure as hell NOT going to force you too!! 😡

You have been WARNED!!
So you better make the RIGHT decision and LEAVE if this isn't for you!!


And before I forget..........

There is absolutely NO YAUTJAS in this Story!!
SO SORRY Yautja Fans!! 😭
But it was NEVER my intention to have them included in the first place.
And there is more..........

The existence of Yautjas is a NOPE from me, unfortunately.
And again I am SO SORRY Yautja Fans!!
But my Heart is telling me to have them removed from existence because of my DEEP LOVE for Xenomorphs is SO STRONG.

In the near Future, there may be a Yautja Story just for them so rest assured they are NOT forgotten!!

In this Universe of mine, it's ALL about my precious Xenomorphs!! 😍
(As well as Humans and Synthetics of course!!)

And let's NOT forget about the Book having HILARIOUS HUMOR Bits and ROMANTICALLY SWEET Moments too!!

Do I still have your attention??
Then what are you waiting for??

Xenomorph World awaits!! 🙃

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