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"For the last time, Caine. The Tasks that was given to us by Mother, our Empress is complete. And now, dear Brother of mine.......... you don't need to be here any longer am I right?? So why don't you get it through your thick skull and leave this room at once, hmm?? Or else I'll-" 🐈

"You'll.......... what, Tigra?? Cause we both know what's going to happen if you do am I right?? And I'll be ready for it as always dear Sister of mine. But don't you remember the Empress's rules?? Our Tasks is not complete until Mother sees us in the flesh after being away from her and the-" 🐕

"And the Hive. Yes, I know very well what our Mother's rules are, you smartass. Do you think I'll be that stupid to forget?? The rules have been with us since birth don't you remember?? Oh.......... that's right. Maybe it's because you were dropped as an egg and somehow survived with that big head-" 🐈

"If you ever talk about my fucking head again, Sister. One more fucking time I dare you. Mark my words.......... I will not hesitate to show you how strong it is when I headbutt you with it!! And who knows.......... maybe it will knock some sense into you if you're gonna act like a bitch. So why don't I treat you like-" 🐕

"Don't you even dare finish that fucking sentence, Brother!! And you better not say anything else after that!! You should, however, hold that tongue of yours or else I'll be making sure that you don't have one!! And that's a promise!!" 🐈

"Why you fucking bit-" 🐕

"Both of you shut the fuck up!!" 🐍

Viper hissed out angrily as she whipped her head around to face the two loud minds behind her and interrupting their shouting match with the sound of her voice booming in their heads.

Not needing to twist the rest of her body around as if she was made to move like that and not feel any discomfort by it. But it was certainly enough to change the atmosphere in the room.

Her small yet powerful movements alone were so fast and fluid that it caused Tigra and Caine to shut up real quick. Or maybe it's because they have forgotten where they are and who they're with.

But when they realised WHO is the one in the room with them they cannot undo what has already been done.

And just like that..........

Viper's turned head made them flinch in fright and jolting them back to reality. Forcing them to quickly be aware of their surroundings before anything or anyone else surprises them again.

As if the heated conversation that they were having just seconds ago put them into an angry trance. Fueled by their obvious dislike for one another and letting that negativity take over.

So naturally, the insults come flying between them and just kept on building from there. Any more insults from one of them would've tipped the other over the edge and cause a bloodbath.

And it almost consumed them too if it wasn't for their Older Sister who was thankfully in the same room as them. Or else they're be going at each other's throats by now and not thinking about the consequences until it's too late.

Which by the way, is going to cause a lot of grovelling and some explaining to do when their Mother finds out about it if that were to happen. However, Viper stepped in just in time and snapping them back to their senses but it can be a tricky thing to do.

Because not everyone can break these Two apart whenever they're in a frenzy. A vicious state that involves a lot of teeth and claws to be more precise. So it's not a very good idea to be trying to make small talk with either of them if they ever cross your path.

Even though you want to pay your respects to the ones who have a higher position than you within the Hive it still won't change the fact that Tigra and Caine are not in the mood to just "talk".

But it can be avoided if you don't get in their way instead of putting yourself in between them when that happens. Allowing the ones who can properly deal with these Two like Viper over here.

She is one of the only few Xenomorphs who can face them head-on with zero fucks given. And since she's the only one in this room with Tigra and Caine at the moment it's a huge relief for every low ranked Xenomorphs within the Hive. But the thing is, however..........

She's not in the mood to "talk" either.

Not when she looks as pissed as ever with her tail shaking like a Rattlesnake and her body twisting around for her to face the Two Xenomorphs fully as if her attention is now dead set on them.

If only she had visible eyes for anyone to see her already giving them the death glares but instead, her powerful aura is giving off some murderous vibes. Which caused Tigra and Caine to shrink back when they sense danger coming from her in waves.

Their nice little "chat" long forgotten as if their lives are now more important than some stupid fight that they were about to have. And without even knowing it their bodies drew themselves close together as if to seek comfort.

Or maybe it's because they're in this together and they know that their end is coming. Not caring if they don't like each other because it doesn't really matter right now.

Not when they feel like they're about to be either crushed or squeezed to death by her tail from the way that Viper is waving it around almost threateningly in the air. And when she speaks again they flinched at her harsh but powerful tone.

"I have just about enough of you Two!! How am I supposed to think with all this bickering?! I will not tolerate this any longer! If you Two want to tear each other apart then, by all means, take it somewhere else who gives a fuck!! Or better yet, go outside of the Hive so you don't cause an absolute mess you fucking-!!" 🐍



"MOTHER?!" 🐈 🐕

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