worth more than fame

Start from the beginning

"Oh." Lauren replies. "Okay then. Is that all?"

"I- um..." Karla looks back over to her friend, the blonde girl, before she glances back at Lauren. "Would you want to come and sit with me and my friend? I mean, we have to go in like... twenty minutes, because we have somewhere to be, but... you can sit and eat with us if you want to."

"Oh," Lauren looks over at Ally, who is walking over with her food. When Ally gives her the pizza, Lauren smiles and says. "I am going to sit with this nice girl, Karla, and her friend. She asked for my number, Allycat."

Karla blushes, and Ally smiles at them both. "That's sweet. I'll be over at the counter if you need me, Laur."

"Okay," Lauren smiles at Ally, and then picks up her plate and follows Karla over to her table. "What's your friend's name?"

"Dinah Jane Hansen," the blonde girl introduces herself, "hi, mystery hottie. You know, Karla over here was literally drooling over you the second you walked in."

"Really?" Lauren asks, and Karla blushes even more, if that's possible. "I thought she was staring in a mean way. I didn't know people could stare nicely."

"You noticed that?" Karla blinks in surprise. "Sorry, I didn't mean to look like a creeper. Dinah- um, she kind of pushed me to go over and get your number. Not that I didn't want to, anyway. You're- like I said, you're really cute, and oh god I'm rambling again, why am I like this-"

Dinah snorts. "Way to go, Walz. You get the cute girl's number and now you're showing her how awkward you really are."

"I don't think she's awkward." Lauren says, tapping her hand on her leg. "I think she's cute, too. People say I'm awkward a lot of the time, but I don't mean to be awkward."

Karla smiles and says, "Can I buy you your pizza? Or at least... reimburse you for that one."

Lauren frowns. "Why?"

"For like... I don't know, a romantic gesture?" Karla shrugs, smacking Dinah lightly on the arm when she laughs. "God, I'm sorry, I suck at this. Like I said, I don't usually go up to girls in public and ask them for their numbers."

"It's okay." Lauren replies. "I don't usually get asked for my number."

Karla's phone buzzes, and her face falls. "It's my mom."

Dinah frowns. "Do we need to get back to the-"

"Yes," Karla interrupts before Dinah can finish her sentence, and turns to Lauren with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. Like I said, we had somewhere to be, but... um, yeah, we have to go. Can I call you tonight?"

"If you want to." Lauren smiles, finishing off her slice of pizza. "I am available all evening, unless it is around ten thirty, because I have to pick my sister up from a concert."

Dinah and Karla exchange a look, and Lauren can't quite decipher it. After a rather lengthy pause, Dinah smiles at her and asks, "Which concert?"

"The one that's on down the road at the big arena," Lauren says, rocking on her seat. "I already forgot the singer's name, because it's not really my thing, but my sister likes her, so..."

"Oh, well, uh," Dinah smirks at Karla, "we're actually going there right now. We have tickets."

"You do?" Lauren asks, "Well, um, I'm sorry for saying that the singer isn't my thing, I am sure she's very talented."

Karla flushes a little, before she stands up and points towards the door. "I'll- uh, text you later. Or call you. Whichever... you want."

"Oh, okay," Lauren smiles, "goodbye, Karla. And Dinah. It was nice to meet you both."

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