i hate them (but i love you)

Start from the beginning

So she simply admired the girl next to her, whose face is lit up with happiness, green eyes greener than emerald jewels, and occasionally singing along with her captivating raspy voice.

And when the band started playing fallingforyou, Camila can't help muttering the lyrics under her breath.

"I think I'm falling, falling for you."

The world bursted with colors; brown and green shone above all.



Green eyes ablaze, Lauren threw her hands up in frustration.

"You don't care about us, Camila! You only care about your fucking career! That's what it is!"

Camila stifled a sob, hurt and anger mixing together. She announced her departure to the group. Ally and Normani left the room without so much as a squeak, Dinah looked at her in disappointment before following the two. The only one who voiced her anger is Lauren, whose hands are currently balled into fists.

"I've never been a part of this. Not since– not since Shawn. We both know that– we all know that. And it's greater for me and for you guys if I just leave."

Lauren scoffed, "And whose fault is that?"

At the blame implicated in that sentence, Camila exploded.

"Fucking hell, Lauren! We haven't been okay since camren blew up on our faces! And don't you dare blame it all on me! You left! You– you distanced yourself from me... and it hurt."

At the last sentence, Camila's voice has gone quiet. Tired. Somber. Drained out of life.

A choking sob made her look up at Lauren. The green-eyed girl is obviously holding back tears, her red rimmed eyes unmistakable and what was once emerald  became dull grey.

"It doesn't change the fact that you gave up– are giving up."

A tear successfully escaped, trekking down her ivory skin. A lone tear who screamed of melancholy.

Lauren stared at Camila one last time before swivelling in her heels and walking out of the room.

The brown-eyed girl released a hacking sob, unrestrained and full of despair, her tears cascaded down her cheeks heavily.

Her cries of anguish drowned out the soft melody of a band she has grown to like as the years went by with the woman she loves.

"Now we run run away from the boys in the blue, and my car smells like chocolate."


Camila draped herself over the couch, phone in hand and her twitter account open. She's replying to her fans' tweets and reading their reaction on her new single when Shawn came bounding towards her.

"Hey Mila, have you heard this band yet?"

He put his phone's speaker near Camila's ear, casually leaning on the couch's armrest.

"And this is how it starts. You take your shoes off in the back of my van–"

The familiar song flowed through her eardrums mellifluously and Camila is suddenly hit with nostalgia.

A flash of green eyes as bright as emerald jewels under expensive chandeliers...

A wide toothy grin exuding happiness...

Smiling lips as red as the blood flowing through their veins...

Two hands holding each other...

A burst of colors, green and brown meeting...

Two shadows leaning towards one another...

Soft smiles across...

Bright eyes staring intensely at one another...

Heads thrown back in laughter...

A kiss in the dark...

Snowflakes in one's hands...

You see, Camila doesn't really like the 1975.

But she fell in love with this one girl– who still holds her heart.

She has the greenest eyes that shines  bright when she's happy. That always lights up when listening to their songs.

And so, Camila learned to like them.

Not because she grew used to their music.

But because they make her happy.

And she loves seeing her Lauren happy.

"Yes, Shawn. I love them."  Her.

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